Keys to managing your monthly subscriptions

If you are subscribed to more than five platforms to watch series and films, music or documents, this article is of interest to you. Every day new platforms are born and, with them, new services that allow you to share streaming subscriptions in order to reduce your subscription fee. At 11Onze we give you the keys to manage them.


Netflix has gained 37 million users in the last quarter of the year, 31% more than in 2019. The platform reported 5,466 million euros during the fourth quarter, 21.5% more than a year ago. Subscriptions have become a must and living without them is no longer conceivable. It is true that our consumption habits have changed; now, with all the digital TV platforms, it’s hard to go back to having to watch ads every 15 minutes. Now everything is à la carte, how, when, and where you want. Of course, what is not so fun is the amount of fees, even if they are tiny, that you end up paying monthly. In this article we are going to give you some recommendations to save money and manage your subscriptions.

If we go back 20 years, surely you remember Canal+, one of the first private channels, which allowed you to watch films and shows; the cost was quite high, so only a few privileged people could enjoy it. With the arrival of Netflix, HBO, Disney +, Filmin, Amazon, and so on, annual subscriptions are between €10 and €15 per month, which seems a totally manageable amount, taking into account that going to the cinema costs much more. Now, you have to bear in mind that once you subscribe and start scrolling, on many occasions, you waste more than half an hour choosing a film: the variety is so extensive that it is difficult for us to determine (depending on our mood that day) what we want to see each time, and for that reason, you end up having several platforms.

Following the thread, once you subscribe to any of the indicated platforms, you realise that the film or series you have just been recommended or you think you cannot miss is on another platform, so you automatically download the app and start entering your data. You are seduced by the subscription price, so without realising it, you have more than 5 platforms to watch millions of films, documentaries, and series.


What to do if you identify with this?

  • Check your subscription plan. If it allows more users and devices, ask your relatives and acquaintances if they are in the same situation; in this way, you can share the monthly expense. Of course, we recommend that you plan everything a year before, divide the fee, and have your friends pay you, for example, through Bizum, so that they do not forget. That is, if the monthly fee is €15 and you are going to share it among 3 people, they must pay you €60 each, and if you have paid €180 annually, you will only pay €60, so you will save €120.
  • Permanency or not? A great advantage of this type of platform is that they do not ask you to stay, so you can unsubscribe when you have finished watching your favourite series and seen that there is nothing else that may interest you. You can stay 1 or 2 months, or as long as you need, and you can unsubscribe until a new order.
  • Take advantage of promotions. You have to be careful, because if you have not signed up for a platform, as a new customer, you might be given a free month. If you think it’s worth continuing, you can share it again, if possible, with other users. Of course, check the conditions properly once you sign up, since sometimes, if you do not cancel the subscription, you may automatically be charged for the next subscription the following month without prior notice.
  • Rental available for 24 hours. If you don’t like having fixed costs, there are platforms, such as Apple TV+, that allow you to rent a film for 24 hours at a low cost and, after this time, it expires; it is an option, but if your purpose is to save, we advise you to consider monthly plans, since they are always cheaper.
  • Monthly subscription without interruption. There are other platforms, like Spotify, that allow you to listen to all the music without interruptions with a monthly subscription. They also have plans that you can share with more people, thus reducing the monthly fee. On the other hand, Apple features a family plan, with which we can even purchase paid applications that can be used in the plan, and we can also share books in digital format with the whole family.


Do you know Together Price?

If you have Netflix, Spotify, Office 365, Nintendo Switch, or Xbox Live, among others, this is for you. Together Price helps groups of people share the cost of their multi-user plans in an easy and safe way. If you are the account owner, you can indicate available users and add your acquaintances so they can participate. In this way, when you register, you will automatically receive the amount from your friends and family.


And what is the use of this all?

Thanks to all these platforms, the OCU reports that 77% of respondents no longer download films or music illegally. Finally, it is important to review and ask the experts, when we buy a mobile phone, to explain to us if we have these services. Remember the example we mentioned: with only one platform you can save up to €120 and, if you do the same with other platforms, much more. Go ahead and share this with your friends and family.

It is time to review your subscriptions, consider which ones you use, and share to minimize your expenses.


11Onze is becoming a phenomenon as the first Fintech community in Catalonia. Now, it releases the first version of El Canut, the super app of 11Onze, for Android and Apple. El Canut, the first universal account can be opened in Catalan territory.

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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Doncs sí, caldrà revisar-ne les suscripcions. O el amazon prime o el HBO va fora!

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Tu decideixes!!! Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Jordi.

      3 years ago
  2. Pere Maria EstremPere Maria Estrem says:
    Pere Maria

    Això del”togheter” és interessant. Jo, però, sóc més d’anar al cinema, el dia de l’espectador, i després un francfurt amb cervesa.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Una molt bona opció, Pere. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!!!

      3 years ago
  3. Daniela SimónDaniela Simón says:
  4. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    Triar una pel·lícula pot causar estrés. Busques distreure’t i primer passes per un suplici. Bromes a part (confio en que quedi només en una broma) doneu bona informació i consells tot ben explicat. Gràcies

  5. Manel LopezManel Lopez says:
  6. Jaume RossellóJaume Rosselló says:

    Gràcies pels suggeriments. No coneixia l’opció del Together Price. Tanmateix, si em permeteu el suggeriment, seria bo llegir algun article que comenti la relació entre el “nombre d’alternatives” (tenim, com bé deis, molts canals al nostre abast) i el grau de satisfacció del consumidor. Segur que hi hauria sorpreses.

  7. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  8. Jaume RoigJaume Roig says:
  9. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Caram no hi hagués pebsat ho posaré en practica gràcies

  10. Xavier SunyolXavier Sunyol says:

    Molt bona idea!

    • David LópezDavid López says:

      Ens alegrem que hagi sigut d’ajuda aquest article Xavier.

      4 years ago
  11. Joan Bassols DorcaJoan Bassols Dorca says:

    article molt interessant.

    • Silvia GarrigaSilvia Garriga Sole says:

      Moltes gràcies pel comentari Joan, segur que a La Plaça trobaràs més contingut que et resultarà igual d’interessant.

      4 years ago
  12. Jordi CollJordi Coll Planas says:

    En prenc nota!!!

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