The job of the future: 56 skills to success

What will the job of the future look like and what skills will we need to succeed? To answer these two questions, the McKinsey Global Institute has conducted extensive research and concluded that we will need to master at least 56 skills to secure a job, higher wages and greater well-being at work.


The institute has classified these 56 skills in the study into four broad blocks: manual and physical skills, which will be of decreasing interest; and high-value technological, social and cognitive skills, which are gaining in importance. The McKinsey Global Institute surveyed more than 18,000 people in 15 countries and aims to get governments and companies to prioritise work teams that meet these requirements.

For starters, the institute points out in the report that, while there will continue to be many skilled jobs, the new technological revolution we are heading towards, which has been accelerated by the pandemic, will increasingly require more dynamic, creative and digital people. It will therefore be essential to add value to the automated and artificially intelligent systems that are taking hold in many companies. It will also be necessary to adapt and train constantly in the digital environment, achieving new skills. For this reason, they believe that governments need to start promoting new educational plans to prepare adults and young people for the new scenario.


Cognitive skills: creativity and adaptability

  1. Solving problems in a structured way.
  2. Control logical reasoning.
  3. Understanding differential features.
  4. Knowing how to search for relevant information.
  5. Organise a work plan.
  6. Prioritise tasks within a given time.
  7. Agility of thought.
  8. Ease of learning.
  9. Good public speaking skills.
  10. To get the right questions right.
  11. Synthesising messages.
  12. Listening skills.
  13. Imagination and creativity.
  14. Transferring knowledge to different contexts.
  15. Adopting different perspectives.
  16. Adaptability

Interpersonal skills: empathy and collaboration

  1. Modifying the role when necessary.
  2. Reaching consensus.
  3. Always having an inspiring vision.
  4. Organisational awareness.
  5. Demonstrate empathy.
  6. Inspire trust.
  7. Maintain humility.
  8. Be sociable.
  9. Encourage diversity.
  10. Motivate emotional situations.
  11. Resolving conflicts.
  12. Collaborate.
  13. Helping.
  14. Empower

Leadership skills: integrity and motivation

  1. Understanding the emotions of others.
  2. Having self-control.
  3. Knowing one’s own strengths.
  4. Integrity.
  5. Knowing how to motivate oneself.
  6. Self-confidence.
  7. Taking risky decisions.
  8. Leading change and innovation.
  9. Energy, passion and optimism.
  10. Break the mould.
  11. decisiveness
  12. Clear direction.
  13. Persistence and perseverance.
  14. Accepting uncertainty.
  15. Striving for emancipation.

Technology skills: cybersecurity and ethics

  1. More digital literacy.
  2. Expanding digital knowledge.
  3. Knowledge of digital collaboration networks.
  4. Digital ethics.
  5. Learn programming.
  6. Know how to analyse data and statistics.
  7. Have algorithmic thinking.
  8. Be trained in Big Data.
  9. Know about cybersecurity.
  10. Be up to date in intelligent systems.
  11. Know how to translate technology into useful actions.

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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Jo afegiria amb detall descansar per desconectar cada hora i poc, augmentant el temps de desconeció diaria, setmana, quinzenal i mensualment!

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Es pot fer de moltes maneres, la qüestió hauria de ser el benestar i l’òptima salut de tots els treballadors i treballadores, per evitar baixes i aconseguir uns bons nivells de productivitat i fent la feina el màxim de bé. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Jordi!!!

      2 years ago
  2. Daniela SimónDaniela Simón says:
  3. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    Tal i com anem ens cal moltes d’elles per seguir dins del sistema

  4. Pere SorianoPere Soriano says:

    Molt interessant.

  5. J.Carles PlanasJ.Carles Planas says:
    Josep Carles

    Totalment d.acord, penso que caldra ser mes sociable, per millorar la nostra comunicacio.

    • Xavier says:

      Gràcies, Josep Carles, plenament d’acord i sobretot saber ficar-se en el paper de l’altre.

      3 years ago
  6. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  7. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:
  8. Francesc Estafanell PujolFrancesc Estafanell Pujol says:
    Francesc de Borja

    Caldrà aprofondir els aspectes interpersonals i sobretot els emocionals ja que en una societat altament competitiva sovint són aquests els que decideixen

  9. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    La majoria d’ habilitats de lideratge i interpersonals són recomenables simplement per anar per la vida

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