How unemployment benefits are calculated in 2024

This year’s unemployment benefits calculation follows the same guidelines as in 2023. The daily amount paid is 70% of the regulatory base for the first 180 days and then drops to 60%. But what are the subsidies for people who have already exhausted or are not entitled to unemployment benefits?


The unemployment benefits for those workers who meet a series of requirements set by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) do not change from 2023. The amount depends on the Social Security contribution bases for occupational contingencies during the last 180 days of contributions, without taking overtime into account. Thus, 70% of the regulatory base is paid during the first 180 days of benefit and drops to 60% from day 181 onwards.

If you want to know how much you will receive or how much unemployment benefits you have accumulated, you can consult the SEPE’s electronic headquarters. In the Queries section, you can see the status of your unemployment benefits, applications, receipt of payslips and refusals. To access this service, you must identify yourself with a digital certificate, electronic ID card, username and password obtained through the Cl@ve system or pin on your mobile phone. Remember that you must have paid contributions for at least 360 days in the previous six years.

As a general rule, unemployment benefits are paid on the 10th of each month, but it can be extended to the 15th if there is a weekend or public holiday that delays payment. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, some banks have advanced the payment of unemployment so that their customers can receive the money earlier.

The minimum amount that can be collected is 560 euros per month for people without dependent children and 749 euros per month for people with dependent children. The maximum amount is 1,225 euros per month for people without dependent children, 1,400 euros per month for people with one dependent child and 1,575 euros per month for people with two or more dependent children.

Unemployment benefit reform

On Wednesday, Pedro Sánchez’s government saw how Podemos’ vote overturned the decree law with which it wanted to reform the unemployment benefits paid to people who have exhausted or are not entitled to receive the benefits, which was due to come into force in June. The main argument put forward by Podemos for not supporting this reform is that it implies a cut for workers over 52 years of age who, on exhausting their benefits, are now receiving a subsidy.

Thus, the rest of the elements that make up the reform will not enter into force either, so there will not be an immediate increase in subsidies as planned. The text will now have to be redrafted and negotiations will have to be opened with the different parliamentary groups. The new changes in the reform will have to be communicated and agreed with the Commission, which has to give the green light to each of the approved reforms.

The subsidy will remain at the current 480 euros, instead of what was set out in the reform: 570 for the first six months and 540 for the following six months, going back to 480 euros after one year. In addition, the right to receive it was to be extended to those under 45 years of age without family responsibilities. Likewise, it does not become a benefit compatible with employment for 180 days, as the new legislation envisaged, nor is the month’s delay between the end of the benefit and the start of the benefit eliminated. Here you can consult the specific requirements for specific cases.


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  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  2. Mercè ComasMercè Comas says:

    Bon resum atès que aquesta mena d’informacions surten als mitjans a trossos, sense continuïtat I normalment esbiaixades pel “color” del periodista, tertulià o opinador de torn.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Tens raó, Mercè, hi ha moltes notícies, les que són importants, que són redactades de tal manera, perquè et sigui complicat desxifrar exactament el que volen dir, està fet expressament i de la mateixa manera que estan escrites les sentències o resolucions judicials, el BOE, el DOGC, les multes i sancions administratives… Ho compliquen tot perquè no s’entengui del tot bé i sigui complicat saber exactament el que volen dir, i sobre tot fer recursos. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!

      1 year ago

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