The Christmas spirit in a golden banknote
Willy Wonka put 5 golden notes inside his chocolate bars to find the heir to his chocolate factory. Now you can give a golden ticket to your loved ones to let them know you bought them gold coins.
The Norwegian-born Welsh writer Roald Dahl is one of the most famous children’s and young adult authors in the history of literature. Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach and The Gremlins are just some of the most celebrated titles by an author who sold more than 100 million books. So many, that if we were to put them all together, they would be as big as the pyramid of Giza.
Dahl was able to capture the children’s imagination and connect with readers in a truly stimulating way. His are surprising stories that don’t undermine the intelligence of young readers, quite the contrary. And, above all, he is a writer capable of creating novels that are fun to read but with an extraordinary depth of reading.
In ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, little Charlie is the son of a poor family living in the town where Willy Wonka’s big chocolate factory is located. He is an amazing, flamboyant inventor who was estranged from his father by sweets. His father was a dentist and he had a passion for sweets. The two men diverged completely, and since then Willy Wonka has devoted himself exclusively to his work and hates the idea of family. He lives and works in the factory, helped by the Oompa Loompa, magical beings capable of satisfying all the needs of Willy Wonka’s strange factory.
The novel opens in a cold, grey winter with Charlie’s family in hardship. Because the factory is closed and his family can no longer work. Willy Wonka has been confined to his factory for years and the population is impoverished. But something extraordinary happens: Willy Wonka is looking for a successor. Someone to work with him and inherit the factory. That’s why he has placed golden tickets in 5 of his famous chocolate bars.
The children who get one will have the right to visit the factory and, who knows, maybe even keep it for themselves. After a series of vicissitudes, the chosen one is Charlie, who immediately proposes to move to the factory with his family. This idea is totally rejected by Wonka, who doesn’t understand how Charlie could prefer his family to working in a wonderful factory like his. Little by little, Wonka realises that Charlie is right and that the family has to occupy a central place in our lives, along with work, but without letting it take over. In 2005 Tim Burton adapted the novel for the cinema, with a film starring Johnny Depp.
The Christmas spirit in a novel
Isn’t this the true meaning of Christmas? To be able to value the moments with the people we love, ahead of the day-to-day obligations of the rest of the year? Dahl seems to have been a precursor of what is now called work-life balance, without giving up the passion for work, the magic and the imagination.
This year, 11Onze tries to capture the spirit of all this with a golden ticket to give to our loved ones. A golden ticket that does not give access to any factory, but certifies that you have just been given gold coins.
Willy Wonka chose a gold banknote to put in his chocolates and he knew very well why he did it: a golden banknote tells you that it is really valuable, because we all know that gold is a safe value and guarantees prosperity. For this reason, at 11Onze we believe that gold is the best gift for our loved ones for tomorrow’s future. A gift in the form of gold coins (Krugerrand or Britannia) that can be ordered from €220. The shipment includes an exclusive Christmas card and a gold note certifying the purchase and the recipient. In this way, the gift is personalised.
How to buy the 11Onze gold banknote and coins
To request information about the purchase of gold coins, simply fill in this form. An 11Onze agent will contact you and inform you about the whole process.
This holiday season, you’ll find the perfect gift for your loved ones at 11Onze – for tomorrow’s future, gold!
If you want to discover the best option to protect your savings, enter Preciosos 11Onze. We will help you buy at the best price the safe-haven asset par excellence: physical gold.
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Gràcies 11Onze!!
Gràcies a tu, Joan!!!
Gran detall!!👏👏👏
Gràcies Jordi! 💛