“You can now buy your bread with cryptocurrencies”

Cryptocurrencies are gradually gaining ground in our financial system. One example is that it is now possible to buy bread with them, as Raul Arribas, Chief Technology Officer at 11Onze, told the radio magazine Territori 17. We explain how cryptocurrencies work and their advantages.


When we go to a country that has a different currency to the euro and we buy something with our credit card, we receive a charge in our account for the euros equivalent to the cost of that product according to the exchange value of these two currencies. In the same way, today it is already possible to have a debit card that allows us to buy in the corner shop in euros and deduct the equivalent amount from an account we have in cryptocurrencies.

Raul Arribas uses this example to explain the progression of these assets, which “are not regulated by traditional financial institutions”, in our day-to-day lives. He even mentions that there are more and more e-commerces “where you can pay with cryptocurrencies”.

Beyond a speculative purpose due to the possibility that they may increase their value in the future, Arribas highlights some advantages in the daily use of cryptocurrencies, such as transparency and immediacy in transactions around the world.

A parallel system

The CTO at 11Onze mentions bitcoin and ethereum as the most popular cryptocurrencies, although there are many others, some of which offer “very small fluctuations” in value.

Raul Arribas points out that “the world of cryptocurrencies is not intended to replace the traditional financial system, but to offer a parallel system that does not depend on obscure decisions in offices that nobody sees”.

In this sense, Arribas explains the current problem of inflation of conventional currencies, caused by the huge issuance of currency by central banks in recent years “to dope the economy”. And he contrasts the transparency of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin: it is known that “21 million bitcoins will be created and then none more will be created”.


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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  1. Pere Maria EstremPere Maria Estrem says:
    Pere Maria

    Comprar el pa amb criptos encara O veig lluny.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Segurament… Jo també penso que encara s’ha d’assentar una mica més, com a valor i mitjà de pagament, a la nostra societat. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Pere!!!

      1 year ago
  2. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  3. Rosa Pinadella DinaretRosa Pinadella Dinaret says:

    Criptomonedes o euros? Criptos, sens dubte!

  4. Daniela SimónDaniela Simón says:


  5. Daniel CreusDaniel Creus says:

    El dia que es faci servir la criptomoneda com a moneda i no com a volor especulatiu, canviarà el món.

    • Josep RosJosep Ros says:

      El problema que no els interessa que bitcoin sigui plenament com a moneda de pagament, abans faran el euro digital com el Yuan xinès digital i així amb més. Btc com a moneda descentralitzade no els interessa a la majoria d’elits. Per la mala premsa d’elles i perquè surtiria del seu món dominant i manipulador. Això sí, a imprimir dòlars i així pasa el que passa ara mateix.

      2 years ago
    • Càrol RafalesCàrol Rafales says:

      Hola, Daniel, no ets el primer a qui li sento dir això. Gràcies per aportar el teu punt de vista!

      2 years ago
  6. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

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