150 investors 10 days before ending the Big Leap!
11Onze’s public investment round has entered an accelerated final stretch. In the last 5 days, 50 new investors have decided to join the project. The deadline for applications is October 15.
That 11Onze is a country project is quite obvious with the Big Leap. The massive response of small and large investors wanting to be an active part of 11Onze has surprised the entity itself. A few days ago, it was announced that the high demand from potential investors meant that the investment round had to be extended until 15 October. The pace, however, has not slackened; on the contrary, in 5 days 50 new investors have joined the project.
The reasons for joining 11Onze are many and diverse. For some, it is the tools offered to the community to protect their savings. From El Canut, which allows individuals to operate with their money 100% insured, to Preciosos 11Onze and, more recently, 11Onze Business. For others, there is the memory that has become of what were originally Catalan banks. But what is clear to everyone is that you have to have a tool that helps people and businesses in the country to get through an extremely turbulent economic environment. In any case, the growth and consolidation of 11Onze give investors the peace of mind of knowing that they are signing up for a profitable and solid project.
What is the investment?
The minimum investment is €3,000. But with an incentive: the Fundació 11Onze will help the members of the community and, for each share acquired, will add one of equal value. So, if you invest €5,000, the immediate value of your investment will be €10,000.
The deadline for applications to become an 11Onze investor for the Big Leap is 15 October. If you are interested in investing, fill in this form, and we will contact you.
For more information, please write to [email protected]. At 11Onze we have already come a long way. Now it’s time to make the Big Leap.
If you want your business to make a giant leap, use 11Onze Business. Our business and freelancer account is now available. Find out more!
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Tot just fa un any arrancaba 11Onze I ara ja estem aquí, quina gran feina esteu fent
Orgull de pertinença això és el que sento
Gràcies Alicia! M’agrada molt que hi posis perspectiva de temps per què és cert, en un any hem fet moltes coses!
Bona iniciativa
Gràcies Manel! 💪
Realment interessant. Genial iniciativa👏👏👏
Gràcies Jordi! Ja ho saps, si estàs interessat o creus d’algú que podria estar-ho, ens podeu escriure a: [email protected] i us n’expliquem tots els detalls. Salut!