11Onze, invited by Fintech Talents
FTT Embedded Finance & Super-Apps is a prestigious event organised by Fintech Talents, where a fantastic line-up of speakers will talk about how the number of financial service providers is rapidly expanding beyond traditional banking. Raul Arribas, CTO of 11Onze, is one of the guest speakers.
FinTech Talents is a community of more than 200,000 professionals and entrepreneurs representing the entire fintech ecosystem. This internationally renowned digital platform produces reports on the financial sector, publishes specialised press articles, and organises events where experts from the fintech world share their knowledge with the community.
Since its creation, 11Onze has focused itself on financial education for its community through La Plaça, with 11Onze School, 11Onze Check, and the Fintech Talks. And it has been nominated for the UX Design Awards as the best social platform. That is why we celebrate the opportunity to be part of this fintech ecosystem where the Embedded Finance model not only allows businesses to connect financial services to any platform, but it is democratising the management of capital and wealth of the community.
It is in this context that FTT Embedded Finance & Super-Apps has been organised, an event that will take place on 26 April in London. Raul Arribas, CTO of 11Onze, will share the stage with other speakers from companies such as Amazon, eBay, Deliveroo, and a long list of the most innovative businesses in the sector. No mean feat considering that 11Onze is just celebrating its first anniversary.
Exceeding expectations among the best
As Arribas points out, “I am particularly excited that we have been asked to attend this event. You only have to look at the list of invited companies to see that, outside our home, 11Onze’s work is highly seen and valued. We share the stage with companies that are much larger and more established than us, European and world leaders in their sectors.
The conference will focus on how Embedded Finance has empowered businesses to provide financial services outside traditional banking, and other benefits of incorporating these products and services into new e-commerce platforms. Likewise, speakers such as Arribas will talk about super apps like El Canut, wallets of wallets that bring together in one place several functions and services.
“I will participate in the panel “The rise of the super apps”, sharing 11Onze’s vision on how to build mobile applications that offer a wide range of interesting financial services to our customers, and at the same time are simple and intuitive. Our way of doing things, always close to our clients and offering training and knowledge, stands out from the rest of the businesses in the sector, and is of great interest.”
In short, a key event to learn about the technologies that enable a direct connection between non-financial institutions and end-users, and that make fintechs like 11Onze, focused on the benefit of the community, possible.
11Onze is the fintech community of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut on Android and Apple and join the revolution!
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Moltes felicitats, la feina ben feta i tot l’esforç i sacrifici, tenen recompensa😘
Moltes gràcies, i sí, l’esforç i la feina ben feta solen tenir premi, cert… Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Manel!!!
Enhorabona a tot l’equip d’11!👍
Gràcies Jordi! Seguim 💪
Molt bé 👏👏
Moltes gràcies, Jesús Manuel!
Molt bé, sempre a primera fila.👌
Gràcies, Carles, pel teu suport!