More than 100 new investors make the Big Leap!
The demand for this public investment round has forced 11Onze to extend the deadline until 15 October.
11Onze adds more than 100 new investors to its project. The entity intends to make the Big Leap to scale up the business and become the financial tool of reference for individuals and businesses in the Catalan Countries.
To do so, 11Onze has recently launched its business account. 11Onze Business is available on a trial basis to the first 300 users and offers innovative functionalities to help Catalan businesses increase their profitability in a time of economic turbulence.
Another key tool is Preciosos 11Onze, which allows individuals to protect their savings by buying physical investment gold. Right now it is the right time given the low price of gold, in a context of insecurity of fiat currencies, such as the euro and the dollar, with high inflation and with a debt crisis erupting that will call into question the security and value of traditional deposits.
The 11Onze project is in the full consolidation phase and the incorporation of more than 100 new investors is encouraging news for the Catalan community fintech. For this reason, we had to extend the registration period by 15 days. After a potential investor contacts 11Onze, he or she has to complete a series of documentation in accordance with European capital investment regulations. Only then can the interested party receive detailed information about investing in 11Onze. By postponing the date, all interested parties will have enough time to complete these procedures.
How is the investment?
The minimum investment is €3,000. But with an incentive: the 11Onze Foundation will help the members of the community and, for each share acquired, will add one of equal value. So, if you invest €5,000, the immediate value of your investment will be €10,000.
The deadline for applications to become an 11Onze investor for the Big Leap is 15 October. If you are interested in investing, fill out this form, and we will contact you.
For more information, please write to [email protected]. At 11Onze we have already come a long way. Now it’s time to make the Big Leap.
If you want your business to make a giant leap, use 11Onze Business. Our business and freelancer account is now available. Find out more!
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Gràcies a tu, Joan!!!
Molt bona notícia 👏👏👏
Celebrem que t’hagi agradat, Jordi!!!
Això rutlla, rutlla….!!! Gràcies pels esforços i la il·lusió que hi poseu.! Fins arribar a la meta: el millor banc del món, o la Fintech, tant se val. 11Onze: La Marca
Gràcies… i tant entre tots ho fem possible! molts contents amb la resposta a la nostra crida, et fa veure que a la nostra Plaça hi tenim gent molt maca!
Som-hi, amb més força ¡¡
Gràcies Vicenç pels ànims!! seguim endavant i no defallim!