What is the notification system for?
The Plaça from 11Onze continues to improve the user experience. The notification system allows you to follow agents and not miss anything new.
The heart of La Plaça is the content and the dialogue that takes place with users. And, little by little, the way in which users interact will gradually shape what is shown to them. This is the objective, that La Plaça organically offers content that is appropriate for each user, so that the community becomes increasingly useful.
That’s why a notification system has been activated to let members know what’s new and interesting for them. It is the little red dot at the top right, where the user profile is located. Here you will be notified of anything that might be relevant, based on what you watch, like or follow, and you will also be notified when you earn more Peles!
Another key point of the system is that users can follow the agents they like the most. This is important because there will be more and more content creators in La Plaça and, therefore, this function will make it easier for them to find content.
If you still have any doubts about how it works, here are some screenshots.
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Que interesant…..si hi pogues us seguiria tots!
Celebrem que ho hagis trobat interessant. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Eduard!!!
Està ben pensat
És un gran avanç per estar al dia!
està molt ben pensat
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Manel!
Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Manel!!!
I com es contacta a un agent perquè sigui el contacte de un?
Ara per ara, és possible seguir un agent mitjançant aquesta nova funcionalitat a La Plaça. Gràcies per plantejar-ho, Martí!
Gràcies, Joan!!!
Si ho entès bé millor seguir els continguts per agents que per matèries?
Sí, Alicia, ja pots seguir els agents que t’interessin més i així t’arribarà l’avís quan publiquin un nou vídeo. També pots seguir a 11Onze i a l’Equip Editorial perquè t’avisin de les noves publicacions i articles.