Litigation Funding: it’s time to make money!

After the latest ECB rate cut, Spanish banks have reduced even further the already low returns they offer on deposits, which barely compensate for inflation. We offer you an alternative that triples the yields of a fixed-term deposit.


After almost a decade of zero interest rates, the returns on Spanish bank deposits are still at an all-time low and 25% below the European average. The banking sector continues to fail in offering deposits with interest rates that compensate for inflation to its customers, who do not see an improvement in savings remuneration.

Although at the beginning of September the European Central Bank (ECB) cut interest rates by 25 basis points, reducing the reference rate by a quarter of a point to 3.5%, banks have cut the remuneration of deposits to protect or increase their profits. The best Spanish banks’ fixed-term deposits offer interest rates of up to 3.6% for a one-year term, while the average yield is 2.4%, compared to the 3.2% offered by European banks.

With this low remuneration for their savings offered by large banks and the collapse of Treasury bills in the latest auctions, customers see their alternatives for obtaining a good return on their savings reduced. Even so, there are still other options that allow us to more than compensate for inflation and protect our savings.

Triple the return of a fixed-term deposit

Litigation Funding, which 11Onze recommends, offers returns ranging from 9% to 11%, depending on the amount contributed, by financing the legal costs of law firms pursuing claims against banks and institutions that have used illegal practices against their clients.

This is a social justice product that offers high returns at very low risk and has been structured exclusively for members of the 11Onze community. You have two ways to participate: a first option that returns your capital and possible profits after one year, or a second option where your capital works for a few years and provides you with a monthly return after six months.

At the request of our community, we now offer the possibility of a group contribution, either among family or friends, so that the financing can be shared, but maintaining the percentage of the profits. Therefore, 11Onze makes it easy if you want to put your savings to work and get returns well above those offered by traditional banks.


If you want to find out how to get returns on your savings with a social justice product, 11Onze recommends Litigation Funding.

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  1. Eduard

    És un tipus d’inversió, de justícia social -com bé dieu-, que ajuda a lluitar contra els abusos de la banca. Tanmateix, per què per una inversió de 10.000 € el termini ha de ser de dos anys?

    • Xavier Vinolas EscodaXavier Vinolas Escoda says:

      Bona pregunta, Eduard. Per la inversió mínima s’incrementa el termini a 2 anys per poder oferir el mateix rendiment del 9% que s’obté amb la de 25.000, atès que hi ha les mateixes despeses legals i molta feina associada en tot el procés. També tens la possibilitat d’associar-te amb una altra persona i compartir una inversió de 15.000 a un any de termini i amb el mateix rendiment. En tot cas, et pots posar en contacte amb el nostre proveïdor per explorar altres opcions que s’adaptin a les teves necessitats. Gràcies pel teu interès!

      4 months ago

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