How the Preciosos 11Onze gold is processed
At the end of April 2022, 11Onze started shipping gold to Preciosos 11Onze customers. We explain the whole process from the moment the gold arrives at the refinery until it is ready to be shipped to the end customer.
The first shipment of gold from the 11Onze community was delivered at the end of April 2022. It will be this week. The international situation had caused a peak in demand for gold, and 11Onze delayed the collective purchase, waiting for the right time. The company then supervised every step of the process: from the purchase of the raw gold, to the ingot-plating and serial marking of each piece. Since then, Preciosos 11Onze has continued to manage gold purchases.
The gold that community members receive is 11Onze bullion gold. This means that it is not gold from another entity marketed by our company, but 11Onze gold. The pieces are of 50, 100, 500 grams or 1 kilo and customers can choose to receive them or leave them in custody.
Gold production at the refinery
From the time the gold of the 11Onze community arrives at the refinery until it is ready to be sent to the end customer, there are a series of processes to be carried out. We explain them to you.
- Weighing: the gold arrives in sheets. It is checked for the correct weight and the sheets to be melted are prepared for each customer.
- Rolling: if the sheet is too thick, it cannot be cut. Therefore, thinner sheets are made with a press.
- Casting: gold becomes liquid at 1,000 °C and above. For pieces of a certain size, it is melted in the furnace; for smaller pieces (25 or 50 grams), it is done manually, with a blowtorch.
- Solidification: when it is very liquid, the gold is poured into a mould to form the ingot. A blowtorch is used to cool it progressively so that it hardens.
- Cleaning: once solidified, the gold is immersed in a nitric acid solution to clean it.
- Quality control and weight verification: the gold is re-weighed to ensure that nothing has been lost. In any case, the pieces are usually weighed slightly heavier to compensate for any possible loss.
- Marking: once everything has been checked for correctness, the bar is marked with the serial number and is ready for delivery to the customer.
Preciosos 11Onze gold guarantees the highest purity (999.99 out of 1,000), is purchased at the best price thanks to collective orders and helps the community to protect their savings from inflation.
If you want to discover the best option to protect your savings, enter Preciosos 11Onze. We will help you buy at the best price the safe-haven asset par excellence: physical gold.
Gràcies a tu, Joan!!!
Or català or d’11 Onze ,em fa molta il·lesió
Gràcies, Alicia per confiar en 11Onze!
Ok 👍
Gràcies, Josep!!!
Gràcies per les explicacions. Realment el procés és més lalrg del que sembla.
Doncs sí, el procés és llarg si es vol fer bé. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Montse!!!
Moltes gràcies pels aclariments.
No es mereixen, Pere. A continuar endavant i moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!!!
Gràcies equip 11Onze per fer-ho possible, i per explicar-nos detalladament com ha estat el procés.
Moltes gràcies per les teves paraules, Manuel! A 11Onze ens agrada explicar i informar bé de tot el que fem. Continuem endavant! 😉
Fantàstic ja el tenim aquí, la primera vegada de moltes. Felicitats a la comunitat.
Moltes gràcies, Carles… Doncs sí, ha sigut la primera de moltes més. Agrair-te també el comentari!!!
Moltes gràcies! Per mí, 11Onze amb aquesta campanya de Preciosos 11Onze un cop més ha marcat la diferència 👏👏👏
Moltes gràcies pels teus afalagaments, Jordi, i també pel teu comentari.
Moltes gràcies per l’explicació.
Sembla un capítol d’ “Aprendre”.
Fent país : Marca Or11onze.
Qui ho supera? 🙏🏽
Moltes gràcies, Mercè, sempre tant i tan amable i positiva amb nosaltres. També agrair-te el teu comentari!!!
Ben explicat el procés de producció. Interessant.
Moltes gràcies per les teves paraules, Pere!!!