The guide to buying gold with Preciosos 11Onze
At 11Onze we want to help you protect your savings in an easy and secure way. That is why we have launched Preciosos 11Onze so that you can buy gold at the best price. We’re talking about physical gold, the real thing. But why should you buy gold? How do you do it? Sara Casals, a member of the 11Onze product team, explains.
There are at least three compelling reasons why buying gold is a good solution for protecting our money. The first is undoubtedly inflation, which reduces our purchasing power. The second is the low price of money, which makes savings in financial accounts unprofitable and uninteresting. Gold, on the other hand, does appreciate in value. In times of instability, gold is the ultimate safe-haven asset. Want to know how to buy gold with Preciosos 11Onze? Watch the video below and find out. It’s very easy!
If you want to discover the best option to protect your savings, enter Preciosos 11Onze. We will help you buy at the best price the safe-haven asset par excellence: physical gold.
Ben definit
Moltes gràcies, Ricard!!!
Molt bé. M’agradaria saber la comissió de custòdia de l’or. Gràcies
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Molt be 👍
Gràcies, Josep, ens ho explica prou clar la Sara. Seguim per La Plaça.
Bona lliçó!
Gràcies, Joan
Molt aclaridor
Ens alegra que t’hagi agradat, Manuel
Com sempre Sara molt ben explicat,que gran es 11Onze
Com dius, Alicia, la Sara ens ho explica molt bé i pas a pas per comprar or a 11Onze, gràcies!