The essential Catalan summer hits

When you hear the term summer hit, what comes to mind: Georgie Dann, The Refreshments, King Africa, Don Patricio? It depends on the generation you belong to. But what are the summer hits in Catalan?


Globalisation and the popularity of Catalan brands, especially beer brands, mean that the songs they use reach more people, but we can consider that the birth of the summer hit in Catalan took place in 1990, when TV3 commissioned the popular group La Trinca to compose a song to be used in the channel’s summer programme advert, which would be used for three summers, covered by different performers.

In 1993, the summer hit in Catalan was Munta-t’ho bé, by Els Pets. It was from this year onwards that the groups or singers chosen to provide the soundtrack for the TV3 summer advert opted to adapt their own songs, instead of composing one exclusively for television. In many cases, this has given them a popularity they did not have before. In recent years, radio stations have also signed up and commissioned versions for the summer campaign. A new channel of visibility for songs in Catalan.


Create your summer playlist

Beyond the world of advertising, here are 20 songs in Catalan that you can’t miss on your summer playlist:

What does a summer hit have to be like?

The phenomenon known as the summer hit has its origins in the Italian music festival “Un disco per l’estate” (1964), aimed at discovering new talent and imitating the success of the San Remo Festival.

The Italian idea crossed the Mediterranean, and in 1966 the summer hit hashtag became popular with the creation of the programme “Los 40 principales” on Radio Madrid, although other stations such as Radio Miramar and Radio Juventud were also already choosing their summer hits.

The summer hit, by definition, is “is a song that is released and peaks in its popularity during summer“. In this particular aspect, they became popular, especially thanks to Latin artists, but also artists of other nationalities who translated their songs into Spanish in order to succeed in this large market, such as Georgie Dann, a French national.

Today, radio and television in Catalonia also incorporate Catalan-language songs, marked by their energy or their lyrics. The challenge, however, is to get them to cross borders. And you, what song would you add to your summer playlist?


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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  1. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Molt xules totes les cançons!! Trobo a faltar la cançó de l’estiu passat ‘Avia’m que passa’ de rigoberta bandini I la d’enguany ‘Valentes jugades’ del grup AUXILI!🥳

    • Mònica Cornudella says:

      Ho anotem, Jordi! De segur que n’hi ha moltes més i totes plenes de moments especials que ens porten al passat i present. La música és una part important en les nostres vides!

      2 years ago
  2. Carles MarsalCarles Marsal says:

    Oh!!! Quina il·lusió escoltar alguna cançó que l’havia perdut. GRÀCIES 😄

  3. Anonymous says:

    Jo voto per “La Rumba dels Calerons”! Petitet i 11Onze ✌

  4. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:
  5. Rosa Maria SoléRosa Maria Solé says:
    Rosa Maria

    Una bona recopilació, tot i que n’hi ha algunes que no coneixia.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll Planas says:

      Si, cert, però també en falten moltes més… 👍✌👌

      4 years ago
  6. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  7. Laura CarlúsLaura Carlús says:

    “Passejant pel Vallès” del gran GATO PEREZ i que me’n dieu de l’orquestra Plateria i el seu “Home desdibuixat”❤️❤️❤️❤️ quants records…

  8. Josep RuaixJosep Ruaix says:

    Molt be 👍

  9. AlbertAlbert Chic Giménez says:

    Jo hi afegiria “Paraules que no s’esborren, imatges que no se’n van” (Gossos, 2018)

  10. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    M’agradat veure i escoltar algunes de les cançons quins records

    • David LópezDavid López says:

      És la màgia de la música, que ens permet viatjar a certs moments especials per a nosaltres.

      4 years ago

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