Essential books for this summer
Plan your holiday, pack your bags, and grab a book. Summer is synonymous with disconnection, and reading is the main protagonist. We bring you a book selection for your summer travels.
Recently, a study found that reading makes us more empathetic. With the only condition that it is quality literature, the researchers found that people who read are able to recognize the emotional state of the characters and improve their imagination and mental agility.
And not only that. It is also popularly said that reading makes us attractive; in fact, it would be like brain gymnastics: it stimulates mental activity and concentration, disconnects us from problems and anxieties, and allows us to travel to new worlds. There are many benefits to reading, and they all explain the importance of encouraging it from an early age. So jot down the titles you can’t miss this summer and start training your brain!
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century (2018) by Yuval Noah Harari. In this new instalment, the author of Sapiens (2014) and Homo Deus (2016) describes the fundamental lessons for living in this century. With his theories, he invites us to think, drawing scenarios that describe the main current challenges. He reviews social, political, and existential issues, and warns of technological dangers, from a daily point of view that defines the impact of all this on our present and future lives.
- FakeYou: Fake news y desinformación (2018) by Simona Levi. The phenomenon of fake news questions the health of the media, political parties, governments, or companies. Controlling this often means restricting citizens’ freedom of expression and information. Simona Levi questions this legislation based on violating fundamental rights, in a work that becomes a weapon to fight against manipulation, lying, and falsification.
- The Vegetarian (2017) by Han Kang. It is not about vegetarianism, but the story begins when the protagonist stops eating meat. An individual decision that becomes a social challenge, a symbol of rebellion against what is conventional. About quitting submission and facing the system. A poignant and awkward story that describes what happens when you question what is accepted, and you break the rules, and how far the human capacity goes to carry it out to the last consequences.
- The Grapes of Wrath (1939) by John Steinbeck. It narrates the collapse of the American dream following the Great Depression. A context of economic and financial crisis that leads the protagonist family to emigrate and start a vital search to ensure their jobs, their dignity, and their future. A timeless story where power, equality, and justice are confronted in the United States.
- El hambre (2014) by Martín Caparrós. Wasting food and going hungry are the main concepts that Caparrós reviews in this book that has led him to travel to countries around the world where hunger is the main problem. A book that reviews food from all points of view, from those who speculate to those who need it, to explain and denounce a global issue in which we are all involved.
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Gràcies per aquestes recomanacions
A tu Manel 🙂
El 5è poder, i superpotencias de la inteligencia artificial
Gracies Mireia
A tu, Esther!
Hauré de fer més dies de vacances per abarcar bona part dels llibres recomanats. Gràcies Mireia
Gràcies! 🙌 La part bona de la lectura és que et permet relaxar-te i viatjar inclús sense vacances!
Gràcies Mireia bon consell, efectivament cal fer gimnadis mental, i tenir cura d’allò que som
Tindré feina aquest estiu
Feina de la bona! M’alegro que t’hagin agradat les propostes, Alicia.
Aquest llibre “Parla bé Collons” crec que me’l compraré. Mai parlem bé català al 100%.
Bona elecció! Espero que el gaudeixis 😊