Bullion coins, a precious commodity

What are the advantages and disadvantages of bullion coins compared to gold bars? What is their history? What does their value depend on? Here are the answers you need.


The first official coins were minted around the 7th century BC in Lydia, in present-day Turkey. They were made of electro, an alloy of gold and silver. From then on, virtually all the great states of antiquity created gold or electro coins.

For centuries, gold and silver became the materials from which coins of the highest value were made. This was because they are solid metals, easy to handle and relatively scarce, which prevents overabundance.

Of the two, gold has always been more prized for its greater resistance to rust and corrosion. In addition, its golden colour and lustre have made it very attractive to most civilisations, which have made this precious metal a symbol of wealth and status.


A new concept of gold coinage

In the second half of the 20th century, the concept of the bullion coin appeared. This is a coin minted in precious metal, the value of which is fixed not by the face value of the coin, but by the value of the metal contained in it, to which a premium is added for the coin’s manufacturing process.

In these cases, what is important is the amount of precious metal it contains and its purity, rather than the possible numismatic value it may have because of its design. Of course, when the price of gold rises, the value of the coin also rises


Bullion coins or gold bars?

Although the premiums or surcharges on the price of contained gold are lower for bullion and bars than for coins, many investors prefer the latter.

One reason is their collectable potential. Gold coins that are preserved in good condition become somewhat more coveted as they age, which is not the case with gold bars, which are valued purely for the amount of gold they contain.

Moreover, because their weight per unit is generally lower, they do not require the investment of a large amount of money, which makes them accessible to small investors.

Finally, the process of verifying their authenticity when selling them is simpler. Thanks to their particular design, weight and dimensions, each type of gold coin is very difficult to counterfeit.


A bit of history

The first modern investment coins were minted in South Africa in 1967. They are the Krugerrand, which are still in production today. Investment coins became popular between the late 1970s and the 1980s, when the Maple Leaf in Canada (1979), the American Eagle in the United States (1986), the Britannia in the United Kingdom (1987) and the Philharmonic in Austria (1989) began to be minted.

Some of these coins have a face value. For example, in the case of the Britannia coin, it is £100. However, as this value is lower than the value of the gold it contains, the real value at any given moment is determined by the price of gold and its numismatic value. In this sense, as the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre indicates, the rarity and the degree of conservation of the piece are essential.

Some pieces are often coveted for reasons that go beyond a mere investment mentality. The numismatic value of the craftsmanship, design, historical significance, commemorative value and physical condition of a piece can drive collector demand. This means that, proportionately, the price of some coins is considerably higher than that of bullion.


Up to now, with Preciosos 11Onze, it has been possible to purchase gold bullion. From now on, we also offer the option of buying Krugerrand and Britannia gold coins. Gift gold, for tomorrow’s future.

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  1. Cristian Palau BatistaCristian Palau Batista says:

    Gràcies per l’article, ajuda entendre la diferència entre ambdós productes, i el que es consideraria mes preuat. Cada dia aprenent mes amb vosaltres.

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Moltes gràcies a tu, per ser-hi i per seguir-nos, Cristian. Mai està de més aprendre, informar-nos i empoderar-nos. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!!!

      1 year ago
  2. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  3. Manuel Bullich BuenoManuel Bullich Bueno says:

    Gràcies per aquest article

  4. Jordi MorenoJordi Moreno says:

    Molt interessant, em quedo amb la filharmònica d’Àustria🤩

    • Jordi CollJordi Coll says:

      Celebrem que ho hagis trobat interessant, Jordi, i agrair-te, també, el teu comentari.

      2 years ago

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