These are the best series about financial world

Dealing with economics, business and finance.

In this article we will show you what are considered the best series dealing with economics, business and finance.


After consulting several sources, as well as several specialized web pages on this subject, we have realized that there are some series that seem to generate unanimity for their quality and verisimilitude regarding the treatment of economic and business topics. Specifically, there are three highlighted titles which we will now comment on.

  1. 1.- Silicon Valley (2014) 

    Created by Mike Judge and produced by HBO. There are 6 seasons of this comedy starring five young people who create an application in this emblematic technological center of the United States. It is a data compression application that uses a revolutionary algorithm which ends up arousing envy and attempts of unfair competition,with the use of reverse engineering to discredit them and make them lose contests, as well as access to potential investors. In this fiction we can see the difficulty of entrepreneurship in the world of startups and in the business world in general.

    2.- Billions (2016)

    Created by Brian Koppelman, David Levien and Andrew Ross Sorkin. Produced by Showtime Entertainment, it has been broadcasted by Movistar+. There are five seasons recorded, and at the moment it has been suspended because of Covid19.

    The series reflects the struggle for power between the Attorney General of New York and a magnate dedicated to investment funds and hedge fund manager, who is a survivor of the crisis caused by the fall of the Twin Towers, and the subsequent real estate crisis of 2008. It is for this reason that he believes he is untouchable until the Prosecutor discovers a possible crime of insider trading.

    At this point begins the war between the law and the privileged position that can be granted thanks to money, in which we see how you can corrupt any level of society through bribes and all kinds of strategies.

    3.- House of lies (2012)

    Created by Matthew Carnahan and produced by Refugee Productions. It is part of the Amazon Prime catalog, although it is currently listed as an Unavailable Title. Composed of 5 seasons, it provides a point of comedy and a cynical vision of the world of consulting.This is a fiction series starring a business management consultant able to do anything to get information and all that is needed for their customers. And this includes breaking the law if he deems it necessary. It is an acid portrait full of black humor of a business that, basically, consists of speculating with statistics and economic projections to satisfy the interests of businessmen eager for power and money, providing them with new investments to expand their businesses.

    After these three references that, as we have already have indicated, are considered almost unanimously as the best productions in series format, we find others with no less interesting arguments.

    4.- House of Cards (2013)

    Created by Beau Willimon and produced by Netflix, Media Rights Capital, Panic Pictures and Trigger Street Productions. It has 6 seasons, the last of which was surrounded by controversy due to a sex scandal of its protagonist, Kevin Spacey. A fact that perhaps many people do not know is that it is an adaptation of a novel of the same name by Michael Dobbs, and that it was already taken to the screen by a British miniseries, in 1990.

    This series is well known for its great success in terms of viewers and awards achieved throughout its broadcasting time. It is a classic political drama in the American audiovisual, which reflects the excessive ambition of the Underwoods, the protagonist couple which leads them to carry out all kinds of movements to further their interests.

    As in other series of this type, the lack of scruples of the political elites can be clearly observed using their influence over the media or the economic powers to achieve whatever they propose, regardless of the consequences that their actions may cause. This is a cruel portrait of the ties that bind politics, economics and information, and the underworld that surrounds it and can dirty everything.

    5.- Halt and Catch Fire (2014)

    Created by Chris Cantwell and produced by AMC Studios, 4 seasons have been filmed and can currently be seen on the Filmen platform.

    We return to a technological theme, but with a regression in the 80s, during the birth of personal computers and the Internet as we understand them today, as well as the growth of large corporations in this industry, such as IBM, Microsoft and Apple.

    Precisely, the temporal coincidence with these giant computers, generates confrontations with the protagonists who try to have a place for themselves in the industry with the creation of an online gaming community.

    As on other occasions, we can see how the ambition to succeed can erode one’s own principles, entering into the struggle for power and money.

    6.- Startup (2016)

    Created by Ben Ketai and produced by Sony Pictures Television. It is currently broadcast on the Amazon Prime platform, and has 3 seasons. Again we encounter a protagonist who is a visionary in economic and technological terms, but this time we are surrounded by an underworld related to criminality and corruption within the FBI. The desperation to find funding for her cryptocurrency project makes the protagonist accept money with a dark and dirty origin risking harsh consequences as there are mafias that end up interested in the control of this virtual currency. Again, the struggle for power and money, or money and power. The order is not always indifferent. 

    In our search to offer you interesting references, a series with an economic theme has also appeared in our path, but completely different from the rest, even though it is not fiction, but based on real witnesses. We are talking about Extreme cheapskates. In this production we find, what we could call, another level in domestic savings since the protagonists teach us how to spend less with unconventional actions. 

    For example, looking for food in Manhattan restaurant containers, flushing the toilet one time a week to save water, recycling dental floss and using ground coffee up to three times or even making toys for children from dead animals found on the road. This series was created and produced by the U.S. network TLC, and is currently on YouTube.

    We hope that all these examples of foul play, ambitions and betrayals that we have been seeing on television will change because the banking and economic model of society is also changing. This means that we are moving towards a fairer and hopefully more egalitarian society.

Equip Editorial Equip Editorial
  1. Manel LopezManel Lopez says:
    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      Gràcies pel teu comentari Manel, ens veiem per La Plaça

      3 years ago
  2. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  3. Carles RodriguezCarles Rodriguez says:

    Podeu afegir-hi Black Monday tambe, que estrena 3a temporada d’aqui dues setmanes.

    • Lels says:

      Gràcies, Carles per la recomanació i benvingut a la Plaça!

      4 years ago
  4. Sergi Zamora SolaSergi Zamora Sola says:

    I ja sería fantàstic si a més d’un banc com 11O tinguéssim totes aquestes series en català i a més una televisió a l’alçada del Banc que volem fer.

    • Mireia Cano Codina says:

      Doncs sí Sergi, queda molta feina per fer. Nosaltres des d’11Onze posem el nostre granet de sorra per generar contingut de qualitat en català. Entre tots ho farem possible!

      4 years ago
  5. Vicente Amoretty MarquezVicente Amoretty Marquez says:

    L’exemple de les sèries està molt bé, però la descentralització de la cadena de blocs és molt més interessant, ja que empodera a les persones, dóna força a el sistema i és tan clar com l’aigua cristal·lina. Tots poden veure la fortalesa de sistema descentralitzat, (una persona, un node) però ningú pot gosar atacar sense gastar més del que val el sistema. La força de les persones està en la unió descentralitzada. aquest és el camí !!

    • Miquel Àngel Burgos Fradeja says:

      Gràcies, Vicent, pel teu comentari, i benvingut a La Plaça!

      4 years ago
  6. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    on es poden veure , a netflix algunes però no totes

    • Elisabet Porqueras Garcia says:

      També les trobaràs a HBO, Amazon Prime, Filmin i Movistar+. Espero que gaudeixis mirant-les.

      4 years ago
  7. Ester RoviraEster Rovira says:

    Silicon Valley molt bona sèrie, divertida i amb aquell puntet àcid que tant agrada als britànics i als catalans.
    Les altres em costa més de veure perquè em puja la mala llet quan veus tant clarament com gira el mon. Al menys fins ara.
    Esperem poder fer alguna cosa per poder canviar-ho

  8. Joan Lluis EnriquezJoan Lluis Enriquez says:
    Joan Lluis

    Halt and Cath Fire, pels qui us agrada el mon de la informàtica. I pels qui no, també!!. Molt recomenable.

  9. Anna PortabalesAnna Portabales says:

    Molt interessant, gràcies!

  10. Dídac Marco GarrigaDídac Marco Garriga says:

    Molt interessant l’article. Només una cosa. En català no existeix “búsqueda”. S’anomena “cerca” o “recerca” :). Crec, vaja.

    • Miquel Àngel Burgos Fradeja says:

      Tota la raó, Dídac. Gràcies!

      4 years ago
    • AlbertAlbert Chic Giménez says:

      Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Dídac! Ens ajuda a millorar i ens agrada fer-ho entre tots.

      4 years ago
  11. Carme Dalmau PlanasCarme Dalmau Planas says:

    Gràcies. Tan sols he vist House of Cards ,i puc dir que val la pena.

    • Silvia Granado says:

      Esperem que t’animis a veure les altres sèries, segur que també t’encantaran!

      4 years ago
  12. Anna Mosquera SanfeliuAnna Mosquera Sanfeliu says:

    House of cards, aquesta ja la tenia en ment.

  13. Anna RibesAnna Ribes says:

    Moltes gràcies! Prenc nota. Sobretot de garrepes extrems.

  14. Carles MarsalCarles Marsal says:

    Startup Gran serie.

  15. David Bosch PetitDavid Bosch Petit says:

    Doncs ens hi posem! Gràcies pels comentaris. Un suggeriment for free: Margin Call no és una sèrie però la pel·lícula és extraordinària!

  16. Laura CarlúsLaura Carlús says:

    Molt bona recopilació, vistes 3 i molt recomanables

  17. Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

    jajajjajaa rácanos extremos!!! juguetes con animales muertos… ja veus!! que flipats! s’ha de ser extremament creatiu!!jjaja o tenir alèrgia a llençar… per cert, em molen les sèries d’algunes persones que han intentat viure tot un any sense generar escombraries! Són genials!

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