We often underestimate the impact our individual actions can have on the planet. Conscious consumers are people who consider the environmental and social impact of their purchasing habits. But can we really change the world by looking at the products we buy? And, how do we buy them?
If you want to discover how to drink the best water, save money and help the planet, go to 11Onze Essentials.
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Sí, i tant que m’apunto!✊️consumidor conscient amb el on, que i com comprem al centre d’atenció de presa de decisions👌el comerç de proximitat no falla👍
Ja en som uns quants, Jordi! I continuarem creixent! La consciència és la clau de tot, crec jo. Seguim!
👏 Bravo Lara
Moltes gràcies Carles! 💛