“Things are built by builders”
Chapter 4 of L’Academy now available
Employees are the heart of the company and the main builders of 11Onze. And this is increasingly visible in L’Academy, the documentary series that explains the intensive training experience that the workers underwent to become 11Onze agents.
For three weeks, 50 people who didn’t know each other at all put their lives on hold to enter the pop-up campus that 11Onze set up at the Châteauform’ Campus La Mola in Terrassa.

“Things are built by builders, and builders take risks”
The first three chapters, available at 11Onze TV, have allowed us to see how the agents discovered the project that 11Onze put in their hands. Now we have episode 4, Constructors (Builders), where staff are in for a surprise: they will be put to the test in a team competition. The aim is to assess how the agents work together, how they react when things get complicated and how they help each other.
The Els Constructors episode features Joan Valls, an agent we follow during his day at the Academy. Joan is expectant after having seen the first three chapters of the series: “in terms of personal opportunity and for Catalonia, the 11Onze project makes me feel a high sense of responsibility. I look at it with a lot of respect and I want to live up to it. With these series, you have brought together the human and professional sides”.
Joan will surely receive direct reactions from his entourage and followers, as it happened to Oriol Tafanell, head of 11Onze agents and protagonist of chapter 3, El Compositor: “my family and friends all gave me the same thought. They said to me, they really take you into consideration… a feature about you and so well done!” Oriol says “I felt privileged” and also highlights the reactions from the 11Onze community, from La Plaça: “there are two comments from two people who want me to be their agent!”
Lara de Castro, main character of episode 2 Prou (Enough) and head of 11Onze agents, assures us that “people tell me that the episodes are very exciting and that they really show the kind of people we are”.
L’Academy is an original documentary series by 11Onze TV that lets you experience, from the inside, an extraordinary human process, the personal and professional growth of a group of people who live together for three weeks from Monday to Sunday in the middle of a global pandemic with one goal: to train and bond with each other to become the team that will give birth to the first digital fintech community in the history of Catalonia.
Gràcies Manel
L’equip es bàsic tan per construir com per treballar
I tant Alicia, és com el dit aquest que diu: Si vols arribar de pressa, ves sol, però si vols arribar lluny, ves acompanyat. Aquí de companyia tenim la millor.👌😊
Es així. Els constructors són gent decidida qye necessiten un equip que els ajudi
Els agents 11Onze ho són El Joan ho explica molt bé. Es nota que s’ho creu.
Menció especial per les mares de nadons😘😘
No tant Mercè! La inspiració del moment! No res més! 🙂
Exacte, Mercè. No només els agents 11Onze, sinó tothom que forma part d’aquesta comunitat nostra, som aquí per a construir quelcom nou i diferent. En Joan el primer!
Fantàstic Dijous!!!! Quin dia!! Ens teniu robat el ❤️