The need for a real bank

Banking is one of the most necessary activities for any real economic system, with a specific mission that only it can accomplish. The mission of banking is to facilitate the flow of money for financing to those who create real wealth within society, and who are mainly companies and the self-employed and people with projects.

At the same time it should ensure the safety of people’s savings, helping them to save and improve their financial culture in general. In short, banking should ensure people’s savings as well as ensure that their business and personal projects can be financed.


But what has banking done so far? So focus on maximizing returns for shareholders. With such a low price of money, banks have been attracted to exaggerated returns by throwing money into the stock market, with serious consequences for their own solvency and survival, as well as abandoning companies and putting them at risk. people’s savings.

This has turned banking into an extractive industry of goods in exchange for money of declining value, which has led to a progressive impoverishment of entrepreneurs and workers, destroying the middle classes that have sustained them, thereby achieving that only win a few.

This leads us to the conclusion that the financial system needs to be redone, because the fact that banks have stopped investing in people and have done so in favor of speculative investment, abandoning their mission for which they are needed, has created a virgin market or “Blue ocean” where precisely a real bank, ethical and for the people, becomes absolutely essential. The demand for a bank to act as a bank, in a transparent way, with a mission oriented to the real needs of its customers, both in terms of financing and savings, is existing and growing every day.

Equip Editorial Equip Editorial
  1. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  2. Jordi FerréJordi Ferré says:

    Com invertirà l’Onze amb la gent?

    • Silvia GarrigaSilvia Garriga Sole says:

      L’objectiu és que hi hagi un retorn a la comunitat, mitjançant inversions en projectes ètics i sostenibles, que tinguin una repercussió directa en la gent. A la plaça s’explica aquesta filosofia, en varis vídeos i articles.

      3 years ago
  3. laura bunyollaura bunyol says:

    Molt d’acord!!! Totalment recomanable!
    Es certament això, quant li deixes alguna cosa a un amic, no esperes que en faci negoci mentres no t’ho torna oi??

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