Home renovation: DIY tips
Whether it is for fun or to try to save money, more and more people are starting to renovate their homes themselves. Many people use their holidays, others take advantage of a few days off and there are even some who have used the confinement to lay that parquet floor, paint the bedroom or, for the bravest, renovate the bathroom or kitchen.
What is clear is that things have to be done right, so if you are one of those who are determined to make a small or big change in your home, 11Onze wants to give you some tips for your reform to be properly planned and free of headaches. We have found a guide to help you in this adventure on the OCU website.
The first piece of advice they give us is not to improvise. If, for example, we are planning to renovate the bathroom, it might be a good idea to check the electrical installation and the old plumbing before starting. Another piece of advice is about who will do the renovation; will we do it ourselves? Will a friend or relative help us, or are we going to need help from a carpenter or electrician? The OCU website clearly reminds us that it is also necessary to plan the whole process in detail, take good measurements of everything, and above all, make sure that the structural elements will not be affected by the reformation. And never forget to check if the work we are going to do at home requires any authorisation from the town or city council, and it is advisable to notify our neighbourhood community if necessary. And just as important, if not more so, is to have the necessary material and all the tools we will need to carry out the renovations. In this sense, it is good to remember that we always have the option of renting the tools, especially when they are very specialised.
What do you think about doing some building work at home? Isn’t it a good way to have a zero-mile holiday? Very economical while at the same time you make the necessary reforms to your house or restore that piece of furniture that grandma left behind. Well, if you are interested, don’t miss the video of our agent 11Onze, Francesc Serra, which may convince you, the decision, as always, is yours.
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Moltes gràcies!👍
què bo!
Moltes gràcies, Manel!!!
Gràcies, Joan! Ens veiem per La Plaça!
Molt bé
Gràcies, Carme! Ens veiem per La Plaça!
Moltes gràcies, Francesc! Uns súper- bons consells
Gràcies Marta! no es mereixen. Al cap i a la fi, són part de la cultura del sentit comú.
L’ explicació de l’ equip editorial molt encertada, que no tot són flors i violes a l’ hora de reparar si no ets un manetes o no t’ hi has posat mai 😀🙏
Gràcies Francesc pel vídeo, per, aprofitant l’ avinentesa , explicar tant bé la situació econòmica i per tant vital, d’un elevat percentatge de catalans. Es parlarà molt de vacances i poc dels que no en faran o les passaran tal com les descrius. L’ enfocament i l’ explicació 👌
A tu Mercè! És exactament com dius, no se’n parla i possiblement és el que fa la majoria, d’una manera o altra.
Bons consells en aquets moments.
Gràcies Francesc
A tu Alícia! Potser ajuden a la tornada a la normalitat, tot i que sempre hi haurà a qui li calguin o prefereixi les fórmules alternatives