A free year’s supply of an eco-friendly detergent
Do you want to wash your clothes without polluting the planet? All you need to do is take part in our Instagram competition and get a bit lucky. You can win the supply of Natulim detergent to do the laundry of a family of four for a year.
At 11Onze we want to help you do your laundry without polluting the planet. That’s why we’d like to give you a year’s supply of Natulim, our favourite ecological detergent. All you have to do is enter our competition and keep your fingers crossed. We will announce two winners every Tuesday during the first three weeks of June.
Each winner will receive 12 packs of Natulim, the equivalent of a year’s worth of product for a family of four. The pack is valued at 143.40 euros and will be sent to the winner’s home address.
To participate, you have to follow @11onzecat and @natulim‘s Instagram profile, like the contest’s publication and mention at least one person in the comment section (you can comment as many times as you want). You can find the legal terms and conditions of the competition here.
Why is it ecological?
Natulim are small biodegradable strips of eco-friendly detergent, which you simply put in the washing machine with your clothes. Each strip has ultra-concentrated cleaning power, leaving clothes clean, soft and smelling great without the need for fabric softener. Its low foam formulation targets and dissolves stains in both hot and cold water and in all types of washing machines.
It is suitable for the most delicate skins because it is hypoallergenic. Moreover, it does not contain phosphates, parabens, chlorine, dioxane or added colouring agents. All this makes Natulim a biodegradable detergent, which does not generate waste that pollutes the planet.
If you want to wash your clothes without polluting the planet, 11Onze Recommends Natulim.
No sabia que L’Onze està a Instagram. Ara ja us segueixo també per Instagram.
Clar que sí, Jordi! Vinga, que t’estem esperant!
Jo l’utilitzo I em va fantasticament bé, ara en breu provaré el fregaterres
Ens alegrem que et vagi bé i t’agradi, Alícia, i moltes gràcies pel teu comentari!!!
M’apunto al concurs.
Fa un temps q a casa utilitzem aquest producte, i n’estem molt satisfets.
Gràcies, Manuel. Llegir-te ens referma en la nostra aposta per Natulim.
He provat el productes i n’estem contents, gràcies, Onze
Doncs millor que n’estigueu contents i que vagin bé. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Guillem!!!
Natulim floral, natulim la banda, natulim jazmin😍
Bona oferta i variada… Gràcies, Jordi!
Fa temps usem Natulim tires. Me n’alegro els ajudeu a créixer com a empresa. Salut
Gràcies pel te comentari! Nosaltres estem contents de col·laborar amb Natulim, són fantàstics!
Vaig a provar.☺️☺️
Estem convençuts que t’agradarà. Gràcies Cristian!