Nico, Carol and her dog Euro explain financial concepts in a simple way so that your children can better understand how the economy works, from the origin of money to the meaning of inflation.
Recommended for ages 4 and up.
Nico, Carol and her dog Euro explain financial concepts in a simple way so that your children can better understand how the economy works, from the origin of money to the meaning of inflation.
Recommended for ages 4 and up.
It is about two mice who want to give a present to their mother and start an adventure to discover the value of money. It helps the youngest children to understand that everything has a price and that to withdraw money from a cashpoint you first have to deposit it in the bank.
Recommended for ages 4 and up.
Through games and interactive crafts, the youngest members of the household will learn about the economy with Gardi the squirrel, who explains what money is, its functions, its origin and its evolution over time.
Recommended for ages 5 and up.
This series consists of six books and will teach your children, through stories, illustrations, photos and diagrams, how money came about, how it has evolved in different parts of the world and how we use it.
Recommended series for ages 6 and up.
Based on different peculiarities, this illustrated book teaches children basic financial concepts, such as value and price.
Recommended for ages 9 and up.
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Gràcies a tu, Joan!!!
Cap en català? 😪
Potser no n’hi han? Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, Mercè.
Estic buscant algun llibre en llengua catalana per al meu nebot. Pot ser que no hi hagin? 🤔
És molt probable, Jordi!!!
Moltes gràcies, per aquestes recomanacions. Per aquest Sant Jordi ja se quin llibre comprar-li a la meva fillola
Gràcies a tu per seguir-nos i estar pendent de “La Plaça”, Manel.
Genial 👌🏿