Financial anxiety exists and you are not the only one who has suffered from it at some point
Nerves, worry, headache or muscle strain. These are just some of the symptoms generated by financial anxiety, that is, the constant worry about financial matters. A real problem that conditions people’s lives, but that we can reduce with patience and personal management.
Have you ever avoided going into your bank account for fear of seeing the amount of money you have? Have you ever felt guilty when you have spent money on a service or material object that was not strictly necessary? Do you feel anxious when you receive a letter from the bank? If you have answered “yes” to any of these situations, you have indeed suffered from the popular financial anxiety. A problem that has further impacted the health of society because of the pandemic and that also manifests itself physically through insomnia, muscle contractions and stress, among others. The bad news is that this anxiety will not disappear from one day to the next; the good news is that we can learn to control it in order to try to live with it.
- Detect the origin of the fear and start working to solve it.
Everything has an origin and surely there is a specific problem or concern that generates most of your discomfort. Although it is difficult, it is important to detect what it is in order to manage it. To do this, we can write down on a piece of paper what is going through our heads until we find out what it is that is upsetting us. For example, job instability is one of the most recurrent; the fear of being out of work. In this case and to start managing it, we can start actively looking for a job or make a monthly budget of the money we can spend until the end of the month. The goal is to be able to take small steps like these to help us reduce the worry at source and thus know that we are already doing something to solve it.
- Understand your own finances better
It’s not uncommon to receive a letter from the bank full of initials and words about economics that knocks us off our game. No, you are not less intelligent than the rest, it is completely normal not to master this kind of vocabulary. Knowing and researching a little more about economics can also help us to know what is happening with our income and what kind of products we are contracting and, therefore, more peace of mind. Reading from time to time the economic press or internet portals where they clearly explain terms or clauses in which you are involved is one of the resources that can help us in this aspect. Ten minutes a day is enough.
- Stay positive!
We know it’s easy to say and very difficult to do, but a positive mindset will help us combat our anxiety. Instead of going over and over the same concern thinking that it will not be solved, try to understand that the flow of money goes up and down and that, many times, it is not only up to you. The economic situation can always improve and with it, job opportunities. In the meantime, and to keep anxiety at bay, we can carry out activities that help us relax and release endorphins that keep us positive. Physical exercise, yoga or hobbies that require manual labour can help us to concentrate and minimize our daily problems.
In summary, the keys to managing stress caused by financial anxiety are basic yet essential. There is no magic formula, with patience and small steps you will be able to keep the anxiety that stops you from enjoying the little things, at bay.
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Gràcies, Daniela!!!
molt bo
Gràcies, Manel!!!
Dons ara que he llegit l’article si ho he patit algun cop,i estic contenta perquè d’esma alguna cosa del que heu escrit per reduir l’ansietat si la vaig aplicar
Tard o d’hora tots som susceptibles de patir-ne. Me n’alegro que te’n sortissis. ^_^
Gràcies, Joan!!!