“We need a Catalan bank that believes in the possibilities of its own country”
Jordi Roset is co-owner of the Petrolis Independents fuel chain, a Petro7 franchise and, in turn, a brand of the Petrolis Roset S.L. petrol station group. An investor in 11Onze, the businessman has set up low-cost petrol stations in different regions of Catalonia and allocates part of the profits to projects in favour of Catalan independence. Jordi is from Terrassa and is committed to the future of the country and the need for a banking structure of his own to support it.
Why have you decided to invest in 11Onze?
The main reason is that, due to past circumstances, Catalonia does not have any fully Catalan banks. After the independence process in 2017, the largest banks with a long history decided to move out their headquarters from Catalonia as a result of political and state pressure. In my opinion, this does not say much about a bank that is truly committed to our country; it cannot be that at the drop of a hat they decide to abandon everything and leave. It is precisely here where the need to have a 100% Catalan bank that also believes in the possibilities of its country.
What can 11Onze bring to the individual citizen and to businesses investing in the entity?
Security. The confidence that 11Onze will not freeze accounts as other Spanish banks might do because there is a sense of country behind each customer. If we look abroad, other European countries such as France, Holland, Germany and Denmark already have banks that identify them. If only the Generalitat would be encouraged to create a central bank, but at the very least, and in the meantime, we need a central private bank. That is why I have invested in 11Onze, because I want to have a 100% Catalan bank that also works in favour of our country.
And what are the advantages for citizens and businesses of working for a bank like 11Onze?
The main advantage is that 11Onze does not have the vices and defects that other larger banks with a longer track record have. 11Onze is starting from scratch, without the dubious past that other banks carry with them, and this is important to bear in mind, especially for the younger generations who want fresh, digitalised companies. On the other hand, it will also have a more traditional side for generations like mine who miss going to a physical branch, talking to the manager, etc. It will also be a bank as it was in the old days.
What do you expect from 11Onze from an investment point of view?
Obviously, as an entrepreneur, my goal is to get a return on investment and to feel that I am not throwing money away. But my commitment to 11Onze is not as much as for a monetary return than it is for a country’s return. To have a Catalan bank that grows and becomes more powerful every day. In fact, I believe that the best thing we Catalans can do is to invest in our country. One way of doing this is to invest in our own banking structure.
Do you think that as a country we have enough potential to build a competitive banking system?
There are countries with fewer inhabitants than Catalonia that are wealthy states and have national banks. If we were independent we could be on a par with countries like Finland, Australia or Denmark, and this is demonstrated by the Catalan GDP. I believe that 11Onze can recover this historic role of confidence in the country’s original banking system. There are other banks that have tried, but I have not seen the same seriousness with which they work in this bank.
Would you invite more people to join the 11Onze community?
Yes, it is true that when you have a business and you invest there is always a risk, but I assume it like all entrepreneurs. I feel that with 11Onze they will have more responsibility and empathy with their customers, as it is a closer entity, unlike larger banks where it is difficult to feel like a human being and not a number. If I have invested money, it is because I trust that they will not speculate with my income.
What strengths would you highlight about Jordi Roset as an entrepreneur?
Before entering the world of oil companies, I had a textile company where more than 80 people worked and which I had to close. One thing I learned from this experience was to reinvent myself in the face of defeat and the frustration of leaving a business behind. I think this strength is deeply rooted in the history of our country and the mentality of the people who live in it: fall, get up, start again stronger and emerging victorious. That is what our country is like.
moltes gràcies
Gràcies! al meu entendre si aquesta iniciativa es fa bé, por suposar la diferència entre poder o no poder.
Efectivament, estem cuidant tots els detalls Montse, tenim la il·lusió i treballem perquè tot això sigui molt gran! 🙂
Bon día. La resposta donada a Miquel Martí, no respon la seva pregunta, així com altres entitats un 1%, els diners que tens en conta durant un temps determinat, molt poc intetes, 11 o farà?, tot i que les finances per invertir son tela d’un altre tele, qui només te un sou i domiciliacions, poc o cap estalvi, quin futur te respecta els altres bancs?
Gràcies per compartir aquesta reflexió, Guillem. Atès que les operacions bancàries no són disponibles encara, jo t’encoratjaria a què t’informessis aquí, a la nostra comunitat, on hem posat a la vostra disposició la informació adient per tal que tothom sàpiga com seran aquests serveis que oferirem ben aviat. Seguim veient-nos per La Plaça!
Bon dia, Guillem. Els detalls d’operativa bancària els podrem compartir amb vosaltres tan aviat com 11Onze Banc s’activi com a entitat financera. De moment, t’agraïm la teva consulta i et convidem a estar molt atent a l’actualitat de La Plaça per a no perdre’t cap detall de totes les nostres novetats.
Siguem clars….aquesta iniciativa no només és valenta o necessària sinó que és molt útil pel poble i per les aspiracions a esdevenir lliures finalment…però més enllà d’això la importància també rau en un aspecte que no veig que s’estigui comentant….les persones que decidim obrir un compte a Onze, també hi guanyarem diners en forma d’interessos? Ho dic perquè aquesta sí és una diferència respecte els bancs actuals i que en el fons importa a l’economia de les nostres famílies. perquè si la idea és que s’enriqueixin els inversors…per això tinc els diners sota el coixí, no vull que em robin els espanyols…però tampoc els meus compatriotes.
Hola, Miquel Martí, moltes gràcies pel teu comentari. Estic d’acord amb tu, no podem permetre que les empreses financeres continuïn enriquint-se a base del nostre esforç. Tot el que et puc dir és que 11 onze banc és un projecte basat en l’ètica i la sostenibilitat i que té com a objectiu créixer tots junts ajudant-nos uns als altres construint i millorant la nostra comunitat. El què és segur és que tindràs tota la informació necessària i transparent al moment i al teu abast. Parlant clar, si no hi guanyem tots no hi guanya ningú.
Enhorabona i gràcies per tenir la determinació de tirar endavant una iniciativa tan ambiciosa alhora que molt engrescadora per a tots. Espero sigui tot un èxit tant pel que fa al servei a donar als clients com per la filosofia de comunitat. Un país el dirigeixen els polítics però el construeixen els ciutadans de manera individual i col·lectiva.
Gràcies Marc pel teu comentari. 11Onze Banc neix amb la filosofia de comunitat, som un banc de persones al servei de les persones. Et convidem a visitar la nostra Plaça http://www.comunitat.11onze.cat per fer comunitat i estar al dia de les novetats.
gracies, un emprenedor valent que estima Catalunya
Hola Alícia, moltes gràcies pel teu comentari. Entre tots plegats farem més gran Catalunya.
Gràcies. Molts més emprenedors ens fan falta.
Moltes gràcies per les teves paraules Mònica. Emprenedors i no defallir en tot allò que ens proposem fer, i ara mateix toca això, fer gran el banc “dels catalans”. Ens veiem a la Plaça!