Circuit-d’11Onze-Banc Circuit-d’11Onze-Banc

11Onze Circuit, an innovative selection process

On the 29th of January, an innovative selection process was launched at 11Onze to select the fintech’s future agents. It is a complex process where in a short and accelerated period of time about 70 people are selected. With this selection process, 11Onze will soon go from being a startup driven by a small group of people to a company with more than 100 people. As in any fintech, the professionals who join the company must meet strict technical requirements and, in the case of 11Onze, above all, they must be aligned with 11Onze’s own culture.

11Onze, thanks to its DNA and origin, is defined as a Catalan fintech transparent and highly innovative, as it incorporates the community component in its proposal. It will be a private social network for its future customers.

3 days of selection, 3 days of filming


“Candidates who enter the Circuit face 6 situations that test them. It is designed to see how they react in moments of pressure and how they solve problems. There are tests of perception, empathy, banking knowledge, creativity, adaptability, and we have recorded everything, so that we can show it and be absolutely transparent with our future clients. We don’t want to do a traditional selection process because we have come here to do things differently. And the result couldn’t be better. The candidates have a great time and it is very clear to them that 11Onze will not be a bank like the others”.

For 3 days the candidates have been subjected to different tests to evaluate their technical knowledge and above all their soft skills. The tests took place in a 3-storey factory set up as a TV set. The candidates went through the 6 tests at a hectic pace, all under the spotlights and cameras of a TV studio.

“It has been one of the most important processes I have experienced in my long career as an expert in human resources, due to its complexity and its innovative format, which forces the candidate to present themselves in a different way, in line with the values of 11Onze”.

Candidates' experience of being part of 11Onze

“Spectacular”, “Original”, “Surprising”, “Transgressive”, “A sign of what you want to be as a bank and as a business” are some of the most common adjectives used by the candidates, who also tend to emphasise that they did not expect such a proposal and that, whether they join 11Onze or not, it has been a very enriching experience.

Most of them have agreed that it has been a selection process that forces them to be themselves, without roles or preparation, very far away from the traditional tests that do not show the inside of the person… And they want to be part of a company like this!

The preparations for the circuit

“We have analysed candidate by candidate. We have carefully selected the CVs of those who have applied, personally, I have reviewed them all. I’m very happy to be able to make the 11Onze family even bigger.


“In a start-up, this is the most exciting moment: going from a small team to a team of 100 people in just a few months”.

After the circuit

The circuit is just before the ACADEMY, a training campus that will be the must-go to place to train agents to be the voice of 11Onze, to attend and respond to customers and businesses and in general to the entire 11Onze community.

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  1. Manel LopezManel Lopez says:
  2. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:
  3. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  4. Oleguer BertranOleguer Bertran says:

    Realment mai havia vist un procés de selecció semblant. Diu molt del tipus d’empresa que vol ser.

    • Miriam Frías says:

      Gràcies pel teu comentari Oleguer! Així és, des del minut u, els candidats/es ens vam adonar que res era com ens esperàvem. Així continua sent. Benvingut a La Plaça!

      4 years ago

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