What is financial therapy and who needs it? The figure of the financial therapist is still quite unknown, but, considering the nature of today’s society, it is becoming more and more necessary!
What is financial therapy and who needs it? The figure of the financial therapist is still quite unknown, but, considering the nature of today’s society, it is becoming more and more necessary!
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Gràcies Ricard!
Ben dit Laura, estic totalment d’acord. Perdre de vista les teves prioritats és quelcom que sempre ha de fer-te saltar l’alarma. Gràcies!
Gràcies per aquesta teràpia, crec que en servirà en un futuro no molt llunyà
Gràcies Daniela, estic ben d’acord amb tu. Una abraçada!
Top Lara👌🏿
Gràcies sempre James 💛