Structural defects, defects of habitability, defects in the finishes, what are they, who do we claim damages from, how long do I have to do it? Little tips on what to do when you see a defect in your new house.
Structural defects, defects of habitability, defects in the finishes, what are they, who do we claim damages from, how long do I have to do it? Little tips on what to do when you see a defect in your new house.
Molt bé explicat
Gràcies, Ricard, bon cap de setmana.
Salutacions, Angel
Molt bo . Gràcies
A tú Marc!
Petits però interessants consells. Gràcies.
Aquesta és la idea Pere, 😊moltes gràcies.
Gràcies David 👍🏽
A tu Núria ☺️
Gràcies David ,bona informació
Tot un plaer Alicia.