The experience of parents in the Academy

One of the most difficult aspects for the 11Onze staff was to tell those agents who are dads and mums of little children that they would spend 3 weeks, with their days and nights, away from home, unable to help their partners at home with everyday tasks…. Even more so at a time when we have all been confined by the pandemic and our children have kept us at home 24 hours a day. These are their reflections..

  1. Lluís UrpíLluís Urpí says:

    Una mica retorn a l’escola, no?

  2. alicia Coiduras Charlesalicia Coiduras Charles says:

    No haurà estat fàcil

  3. Joan Santacruz CarlúsJoan Santacruz Carlús says:
  4. Enrique Puig i DomingoEnrique Puig i Domingo says:

    Quines bones vibracions que transmeteu =)

    • David LópezDavid López says:

      Si ja va ser una experiència espectacular per qui no tenim canalla. Les sensacions dels pares i mares d’11onze a l’academy va haver de ser x1000. Uns cracks.

      4 years ago
  5. Sergi Zamora SolaSergi Zamora Sola says:

    Unes colonies però a l’inrevés. M’hagués encantat ser amb vosaltres.

    • Miquel Àngel Burgos Fradeja says:

      Qui sap, Sergi, potser a la següent? En qualsevol cas, va ser una experiència molt enriquidora per a tothom. El millor inici per a 11Onze Banc.

      4 years ago
  6. Laura Bunyol Bartrina says:

    ¡gracias por las oportunidades de conciliación!

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Welcome to 11Onze Academy


The day we have been waiting for during months has arrived


There are three generations of people who accompany us: Darren Smith


One of the great challenges of the Academy has been


Kapla: Groupwork, delegation and distribution


A team building is a must in any professional training space!

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