The most expensive school year in history

According to the annual survey carried out by the OCU, this year’s school year in Catalonia will cost an average of 2,700 euros per pupil, almost 400 euros more than last year. School materials alone could cost more than 500 euros per pupil on average.


On Monday 9 September next week, the school year starts in Catalonia and, despite the recent fall in the CPI, this year’s ‘back-to-school’ will be the most expensive since records began. Spending per pupil will be 13% higher than last year, which was already a record year.

The report drawn up by the Organisation of Consumers and Users (OCU) calculates that Catalan families will spend an average of 2,708 euros per pupil during the school year. This figure places Catalonia as the third most expensive autonomous community, behind Valencia (2,725 euros) and Madrid (3,422 euros).

The level of studies influences the cost, but one of the most determining factors is the school chosen. The average annual cost in a public centre is 1,200 euros per student, while in a subsidised centre it rises to 3,396 euros and in a private centre it can be as much as 7,961 euros.

Averting the red numbers in the family account

Uniforms, textbooks, and other school materials alone can cost more than 500 euros on average per pupil. This is an expense for which the Generalitat gives a 60-euro voucher to help primary and secondary school pupils, designed for families who cannot afford the cost.

The OCU recommends that, before starting to buy, we make a list of all the school supplies we already have at home that can be reused without the need to buy new ones. In other words, buy what is necessary and no more. He also points out that it is not necessary to buy everything at the beginning of the school year, as there are school materials that students do not need until later on.

Likewise, when it comes to books for recommended reading, we always have the option of going to a library. For textbooks, we can consult the free book programmes available in the autonomous communities through the schools or even consider buying second-hand books.


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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