What is the real carbon footprint of our emails?

In recent years, the belief that our poor email management is highly harmful to the environment has spread out. The latest research relativises its impact and points to other digital habits as responsible for a significant part of global warming.


The book ‘How Bad Are Bananas? The Carbon Footprint of Everything’, published in 2010, popularised the idea that emails have a large carbon footprint. Its author estimated that each message, even if it is just to reply “thank you”, generates a minimum of 0.3 grams of CO₂ due to the energy consumption associated with our devices and, above all, with large data centres. And it should be borne in mind that between 150 billion and 300 billion emails are sent daily around the world, although most of them are ‘spam’.

Some recent research relativises this alleged environmental damage of our messages. Apart from freeing up some space on the servers that host them, there is no evidence that it substantially reduces the energy consumption of the digital infrastructure if we avoid our expendable emails and delete unnecessary ones. 

We very rarely switch on a mobile phone or computer just to send an email and both storage and data transmission systems run relentlessly, even when we are not using them, so energy consumption remains fairly stable.

An updated perspective

With the new estimates, it is estimated that heating water in a kettle requires more electricity than sending and storing a thousand e-mails. And deleting that thousand messages from our inbox would have a carbon benefit of about five grams of CO₂, the minimum our computer would generate in half an hour if we kept it on to delete them. Although it may be hard to comprehend, manually deleting emails can have a greater impact on carbon emissions than storing them.

In fact, the first effective measure to limit the carbon footprint of email is to reduce as much as possible the number of electronic devices we buy to manage it and to keep them as long as possible, as their manufacture generates a significant carbon footprint. 

But above all, safeguarding the environment means using energy-efficient devices and rationalising the time we keep them switched on: we should not forget that part of the electricity we use to power these devices comes from fossil fuels.

The source of excessive traffic

Obviously, avoiding unnecessary emails, writing concisely, including hyperlinks to files rather than attachments, limiting the number of recipients, regularly emptying the ‘spam’ folder and unsubscribing from newsletters that do not really interest us are best practices that will reduce Internet traffic. But if we really want to contribute with our digital habits to the good health of the planet, we should look beyond our e-mail. 

Email exchanges account for only 1% of Internet traffic, which is tiny compared to video streaming services, which already account for more than 80% of what goes online. And that is an appreciable amount of tons of CO₂.


If you want to wash your clothes without polluting the planet, 11Onze Recommends Natulim.

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This April 2024, a bitcoin halving will halve the reward given to miners for each validated block. In previous halvings, bitcoin experienced triple-digit price hikes. Create a Bitvavo account through 11Onze Recommends, and we’ll give you €20 to start trading cryptocurrencies!


Bitcoin halving is a scheduled event in which the rewards for mining and verifying new blocks are reduced to 50%, or in other words, miners only earn half the amount of BTC per block mined.

One halving occurs every 210,000 blocks, or approximately every four years. Currently, about 19.5 million bitcoins are in circulation, so there are still 1.5 million bitcoins to be mined before the self-imposed issuance limit of 21 million BTC is reached.

This year’s halving will take place between 19 and 20 April, when the reward will drop from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC per block. At the same time, it will reduce the inflation rate of the cryptocurrency and is expected to have a positive effect on the price of bitcoin.


The halving contagion effect

This enthusiasm for BTC halving may lead to more investment in altcoins because investors are more optimistic about the possible price growth of other cryptocurrencies.

The prices of other assets have already been dragged up by the recent Bitcoin price rise. The Solana and Avalanche blockchains have experienced a significant increase in value. As is the case of meme coins, which have reached the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market capitalisation.

A cryptocurrency exchange in your hand

Buy, sell, add or withdraw money in any format. It can be fiat currencies like the euro or cryptocurrencies.

There are more than 190 different crypto assets!

I want the €20 trial

Bitvavo that 11Onze Recommends

Bitvavo, the cryptocurrency trading platform that 11Onze Recommends, is registered with the Central Bank of the Netherlands. It is an exchange that not only lets you explore the varied and exciting world of crypto assets in a safe, easy and intuitive way, but now allows you to trade more than 200 cryptocurrencies.

Create a Bitvavo account through 11Onze Recommends and we’ll give you €20 to start trading cryptocurrencies! And if you want to transfer your funds from Binance to Bitvavo, here is a tutorial on how to do it.

11Onze Recommends Bitvavo, cryptocurrency trading made easy, safe and at a good value.

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Despite the recent downward correction, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have experienced a meteoric price rise that has benefited 11Onze members who invested in cryptocurrencies through Bitvavo. We have a look at the latest developments in the crypto world with Oriol Blanch, Affiliate Manager at Bitvavo.


As expected, the imminent halving and the entry into play of ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) trading linked to Bitcoin spot have driven the popularisation of crypto asset investment through traditional markets and have contributed to the rise in Bitcoin’s value.

It is true that the price of Bitcoin has experienced a downward correction of 11.65% since reaching an all-time high of $73,949 and that ETF flows have stabilised, but the rise in the value of the reigning cryptocurrency has been spectacular. As Oriol Blanch explains, “Many institutions are beginning to trust this asset, and it is slowly becoming clear that it is an asset that is here to stay. More and more businesses are accepting this cryptocurrency.”

Beyond bitcoin

As BTC continued to rise in price, the market for altcoins, i.e. alternative cryptocurrencies to the most popular crypto assets and with the largest market capitalisation, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, also soared. “There are many other assets that have been advanced by the rise of Bitcoin and that have brought many benefits to the community or investors”, says Blanch.

The Solana and Avalanche blockchains have seen significant increases in value. Low transaction fees and the greater speed of these two cryptocurrency networks compared to Ethereum have facilitated a marked rise in transaction volume.

As Bitvavo’s affiliate manager points out, “Ethereum is a very old blockchain, very secure and very decentralised, but on the other hand it is costly. You can pay between $15 and $50 per transaction, which is not scalable.”


The popularity of meme coins

One of the topics on the agenda at Paris Blockchain Week, which ran from 9 to 11 April, was meme currencies or meme coins, virtual assets based on internet memes. Influencers and investor groups are constantly bombarding social networks about these projects.

Thus, despite their origins, meme coins have carved out an important place in the market and some have even made it into the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market capitalisation. Trendy meme coins, such as Pepe, Floki, Bonk and others, have seen a massive spike in value. And, as Blanch says, “Being able to make money speculating with these assets seems to be very attractive to people who are keen on this sector.”

11Onze Recommends Bitvavo, cryptocurrency trading made easy, safe and at a good value.

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The automation of work is creating an occupational metamorphosis, in which tasks usually done by humans are transferred to a set of technologies. Economics is not spared, and artificial intelligence is also gaining ground. But are economic forecasting algorithms a real alternative to economists?


As a result of the digitisation process of the last decades, huge amounts of data are being generated that are transforming the methods by which we analyse statistical models. Storing, registering, and analysing this constant flow of information has become an essential task for many sectors of the economy.

A technological revolution has opened up new possibilities in economic and financial forecasting capabilities. The analysis of these large databases, known as ‘big data’, would not be possible without artificial intelligence (AI). A rather broad term that encompasses a whole range of ideas.

Even so, there are two concepts in this field: machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), mathematical algorithms that allow computers to identify patterns in data and make predictions by imitating humans. Two computational advances that form the basis of economic forecasting with artificial intelligence.


An algorithmic crystal ball

Experts often compare algorithmic forecasting to “a crystal ball”. Indeed, this metaphor is the title of an internal study published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in which the authors of the research, Jin-Kyu Jung, Manasa Patnam and Anna Ter-Martirosyan, try to establish whether macroeconomic forecasting algorithms can improve on the results predicted by IMF economists themselves.

The study applies three different machine learning algorithms to a common economic forecasting problem, and the results are surprising. In all three cases, the algorithmic prediction far surpassed the benchmark performance of IMF economists.

In their observations, the authors warn that there are still factors that require further research. They also state that, for these predictions to be truly effective, real-time observations would have to be included. They explain that there is some freedom in the introduction of the parameters used by the algorithms, and that this may be key to determining their effectiveness.

Even so, in their conclusion they agree on the fact that the potential of machine learning in terms of statistical analysis of economic data is evident; and that, although these predictions made by algorithms cannot fully replace the work of economists, they represent a valuable additional reference when making decisions on economic forecasting.

11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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Bitvavo accepts a variety of methods to top up your account and as of this month introduces credit card deposits through both its website and mobile app, giving you even more flexibility in managing your account.


Bitvavo, the cryptocurrency platform that 11Onze Recommends, is characterised by being a simple and intuitive-to-use exchange. With a focus on security and user experience, it offers a wide variety of options for adding money to your account and already allows deposits by credit card.

The platform accepts deposits made with Mastercard and Visa cards, except Maestro and business cards, through both its website and mobile app. Users have to validate the cardholder’s name and deposits are subject to a maximum limit of €10,000.

This update also introduces the ability to save your card details, further simplifying the process of depositing money into your account for future transactions. Please note that these new features are available from version 2.36 of the app.


How to transfer funds using a credit card


  • Open the Bitvavo app and log in to your account.
  • Tap on the + next to your euro balance and select the Credit card option.
  • Fill in your details, including first name, last name (as stated on your card), card number, expiration date, and CVC.
  • Click Continue and confirm the transaction in your banking environment.
  • When the transaction is complete, you’ll receive a confirmation via email.


  • Go to the Bitvavo website and log in to your account.
  • Choose the Deposit option.
  • Select Credit card as the payment method.
  • Fill in your details, including first name, last name (as stated on your card), card number, expiration date, and CVC.
  • Click Continue and confirm the transaction in your banking environment.
  • When the transaction is complete, you’ll receive a confirmation via email.

If you can find more information here

At a time when the price of Bitcoin is breaking all-time highs,11Onze Recommends Bitvavo, cryptocurrencies easily, securely and at a low cost.

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L’aprenentatge automàtic és una branca de la intel·ligència artificial en què es basen aplicacions com el ChatGPT. Ariadna Font, referent internacional en l’aprenentatge automàtic i l’ètica, ens parla de les possibles aplicacions d’aquestes noves tecnologies i dels reptes ètics que ens plantegen.


L’eclosió de la intel·ligència artificial a través d’aplicacions com el ChatGPT, desenvolupada per OpenAI, està canviant les nostres vides i revolucionant moltes feines. L’evolució de l’aprenentatge automàtic, o ‘machine learning’, té com a objectiu desenvolupar algoritmes i sistemes que puguin aprendre i fer prediccions a partir de dades o de la interacció amb els usuaris. “Permet als sistemes informàtics millorar automàticament el seu rendiment en una tasca específica a través de l’experiència”, apunta Font.

Aquesta tecnologia està sent utilitzada en diversos àmbits com ara la salut, la seguretat, el comerç, la robòtica o la indústria, per automatitzar processos, fer operacions financeres, detecció de frau o pel diagnòstic de malalties. Això no obstant, el seu ús també planteja una sèrie de reptes ètics que són importants de considerar.

Conseqüències no desitjades

Si els algoritmes estan entrenats amb dades que reflecteixen els prejudicis i les desigualtats de la societat, els resultats poden ser injustos per a certes persones o grups, i poden conduir a la discriminació. Això és especialment preocupant en contextos com el de la selecció de personal, l’aplicació de la llei i la concessió de préstecs, on la discriminació pot tenir un impacte significatiu. Com explica Font, “els models de ‘machine learning’ poden prendre decisions importants que afecten les nostres vides, per tant, és molt important considerar quins efectes aquestes decisions tenen sobre nosaltres”.

Per altra banda, l’aprenentatge automàtic pot posar en risc la privacitat i la seguretat de les persones. Per exemple, les dades que s’utilitzen per entrenar els algoritmes poden contenir informació mèdica personal i sensible, i si no són protegides adequadament, poden ser robades o utilitzades indegudament. 

Per abordar aquests reptes ètics, és important que els dissenyadors i desenvolupadors d’aquesta tecnologia adoptin una perspectiva ètica i pensin en les implicacions que pot tenir per a les persones i la societat en general. L’adopció de pràctiques de protecció de la privadesa, la consideració de la justícia i la igualtat en la selecció de dades o l’adopció de pràctiques de transparència seran essencials per assegurar que la part ètica i humana no es perdi amb la implantació de la intel·ligència artificial.


11Onze és la fintech comunitària de Catalunya. Obre un compte descarregant la super app El Canut per Android o iOS. Uneix-te a la revolució!

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The quantum financial system (QFS) is a new technological development that promises to revolutionise how we interact with money, streamlining and democratising wealth generation while ensuring privacy and data integrity.


In technical terms, quantum computing is fundamentally different from traditional computing. While current computing uses bits, quantum computing uses qubits. Bits can only work with binary results, i.e. from two possibilities, 1 or 0, whereas the electrons in the qubit can calculate all possible combinations at the same time, known as quantum superposition.

This different approach allows very complex calculations to be performed in minutes or hours, which would require months or years with today’s computers. Quantum computing, therefore, has the potential to solve problems of exponentially growing complexity that classical computers would be unable to tackle.

At a time when immense amounts of data are generated and have to be processed at high speed, quantum computing makes it possible to create new algorithms capable of analysing a multitude of data or encrypting and decrypting highly complex information faster. It is accordingly emerging as one of the key technologies in the profound transformation that the economy and society are undergoing through Industry 4.0.

A quantum financial system?

A quantum financial system (QFS) is a hypothetical financial system that would use quantum computing technology and quantum cryptography through a blockchain to manage financial transactions and data. Quantum banking could bring several advantages over traditional financial systems, such as increased security, faster transaction processing times and more sophisticated risk management capabilities. A new technological concept that would revolutionise the way we interact with money, offering a myriad of new financial possibilities for businesses and individuals.

One of the main advantages of QFS is that the data is immutable and cannot be manipulated by any malicious actor. This is because a QFS would issue a digital number for each currency (dollar, euro, etc.) in each bank account and the physical (GPS) position of each of these currencies will be monitored in real-time. That is, you will know exactly where it is, when it has been transferred, the account number and the details of anyone who has had access to the account.

Furthermore, a new global network for the transfer of funds that would protect all parties involved within the banking system would have the potential to replace the current US-controlled SWIFT system, democratising a global transaction system that is currently totally politicised.

Cryptocurrencies and quantum currencies

At first glance, it might seem that a quantum currency system would be very similar to a cryptocurrency system: decentralised, encrypted, blockchain, faster, and more efficient… In practice, however, they are two concepts with fundamental differences. It is not a cryptocurrency, but a digital currency backed by physical assets.

The two differ in the fact that quantum variations exist in physical form, which makes them more analogous to fiat currency than to their cryptographic cousins. Also, only gold-backed currencies with a digital gold certificate would be able to participate in the transactions of a QFS. This would assign a serial number to the gold certificate as a reference to a gold piece held in reserve to support the currency, assets that would determine the amount of currency accessible in each country.

Ultimately, a quantum financial system could be part of the solution to the problems currently facing the traditional financial system, addressing the lack of transparency, data insecurity, corruption and the intrinsic volatility of the lack of trust in the current monetary system.


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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El sector de les fintech ha crescut significativament en els últims anys. Això ha creat noves oportunitats per als consumidors i les empreses, que ara tenen accés a una gran varietat de productes i serveis financers innovadors. Xavi Viñolas, redactor d’11Onze, detalla algunes de les noves tecnologies relacionades amb les fintech.


Préstecs peer-to-peer

Els préstecs peer-to-peer (P2P), són una innovació financera que ha crescut en popularitat en els últims anys. El terme P2P lending fa referència als préstecs entre iguals. És a dir, a través de les plataformes de préstecs P2P com el crowdfunding els inversors poden prestar diners a altres persones o empreses sense la necessitat d’un intermediari financer tradicional, com un banc.


Les criptomonedes són monedes digitals que utilitzen la criptografia per assegurar les transaccions i controlar la creació de noves unitats. Es tracta d’uns actius digitals que segueixen guanyant protagonisme en el món financer, amb el Bitcoin com a exemple més conegut. Ofereixen avantatges com la seguretat, la privacitat i la descentralització, però també presenten riscos, com la volatilitat del seu valor.



La tecnologia blockchain, o de cadena de blocs, va ser popularitzada amb la creació del Bitcoin. És una tecnologia que permet fer transaccions entre dues o més persones sense la necessitat d’intermediaris. Ve a ser un llibre de comptabilitat digital on s’emmagatzemen totes les operacions distribuïdes en ordinadors interconnectats a través d’una xarxa P2P, sense necessitat d’un servidor central. Aquesta tecnologia s’ha mostrat clau per les fintech, ja que redueix costos, accelera els processos i millora la seguretat a l’hora de fer pagaments internacionals, verificar la identitat digital dels usuaris o facilitar el micromecenatge.



Les API, sigles en anglès d’Application Programming Interfaces, són un conjunt de protocols, mecanismes i eines que permeten la comunicació entre diferents aplicacions informàtiques. En el sector fintech, les API són una eina clau per connectar diferents plataformes i sistemes, permetent la transferència de dades de forma segura i eficient. Per exemple, una fintech que ofereix serveis de pagament podria utilitzar una API per connectar-se amb una plataforma de banca en línia perquè els seus clients puguin transferir diners directament des del seu compte bancari.


11Onze és la fintech comunitària de Catalunya. Obre un compte descarregant la super app El Canut per Android o iOS. Uneix-te a la revolució!

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The expansion of the fintech sector and the increasing integration of financial services into mobile apps and e-commerce are revolutionising the way we interact with our money outside traditional banking. But what exactly is embedded finance and why is it becoming so important?


Embedded finance is a model whereby non-banking companies integrate banking services and products directly into their virtual channels through mobile applications or e-commerce platforms. The aim is to allow customers to access financial products and services without having to leave the platform or application they are using, carrying out transactions where the contracting or purchasing process is easy and fast.

This is possible thanks to the use of technologies such as APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), a set of definitions and protocols that enable communication between two software applications and facilitate interconnection between financial services platforms and other sectors through mobile phones in an immediate and intuitive way. This saves time and money when setting up a business, without the need to create an application and all its services from scratch.

A typical case of the use of this technology is online payment, which has become an indispensable tool for consumers. For example, a fintech offering payment services could use an API to connect to an online banking platform so that its customers can transfer money directly from their bank account.

Similarly, e-commerce companies offer payments integrated into their platforms, so that customers do not need to leave the website to make a transaction. This is not only convenient for customers but also offers merchants the possibility to customise their services and improve their efficiency.

The fintech revolution

This technology is especially useful for fintechs that do not have the resources to develop their own banking products or that want to offer more accessible and personalised financial services to their customers, providing an alternative to the traditional banking model. Previously, customers had to visit a bank branch or cash point to access financial services, but now they have access through the platforms and apps they already use, reducing the need for travel, paperwork and waiting.

In addition, embedded finance has also enabled the creation of new business models. For example, e-commerce platforms can offer financing to their customers for their purchases, eliminating the need to use a traditional financial institution. This can help companies improve customer loyalty and increase sales

Embedded finance can also help improve financial inclusion. Many people do not have a bank account or are unable to access financial services for various reasons, such as poverty or lack of access to the banking system. Through embedded finance, these people can access basic financial services from a simple mobile device.

In short, the symbiosis between banks, technology providers and distributors of financial products has created an ecosystem that is transforming the sector, broadening the range of services on offer, fostering competitiveness and improving the customer experience with greater accessibility, convenience, and flexibility.


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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Working and studying at a distance has created a new scenario where virtual presentations are more important than ever. We bring you the essential tools to ensure the success of your presentations.


Whether it’s a work project, an academic paper, a group presentation, or an online class, we have all encountered or will encounter the need to make a virtual presentation. To reduce the nerves and stress that an oral presentation can entail, we bring you ten tools that will help you to have everything under control.

Every virtual presentation needs some prior organisation. Once this is clear, we will move on to the next step: creating a good presentation.


An essential support

  • Sway: Microsoft’s programme is designed to create presentations. A Power Point-style format designed for 21st-century presentations, which allows you to easily link tweets, videos from platforms such as YouTube or SoundCloud content.
  • Prezi: One of the most popular platforms for presentations, with which you will be able to make real watermarks without difficulty, even in 3D format. In addition, Prezi Video’s screen sharing allows you to appear on the screen and interact with the content during the presentation.
  • Genially: It follows the dynamics of the previous tools, but puts the emphasis on originality. Whether you create academic or work-related content, innovating your presentation will be the best way to differentiate yourself.
  • Mentimeter: Solves the main problem of virtual presentations: the lack of interaction. The application incorporates questions, “Like” reactions and polls so that participants can react to your words, in the purest style of social networks.
  • Canva: For all design lovers looking for speed and agility, Canva offers an infinite number of templates with designs for all tastes and channels, from an Instagram post to a poster or a virtual presentation.
  • Videoscribe: Your digital whiteboard for writing and drawing, while adding images, text, and sound. The most dynamic and personalised tool, where creativity will be your best ally.
  • Oomfo: For lovers of Excel and graphics in general, this tool will be essential for your day-to-day work. It allows you to graphically display data directly imported from Excel with the format and legend of your choice.
  • Preseria: To manage conferences or projects with several presentations, Preseria allows you to group them all together, manage them, modify content later or create a presentation calendar. Available for PowerPoints, PDF, or video files and for Windows and Windows formats.
  • Knovio: Focused on creating didactic content, both for companies and for training. It allows you to convert the content into audiovisual pills and follow the whole process, from creation to distribution and monitoring of the videos.
  • Google Slides: For those of you who create presentations in teams, this is one of the most efficient tools for working together. Although the predefined templates and design options are limited, you can turn them into interactive presentations thanks to platforms such as Nearpod or Pear Deck, which offer resources focused on education. The other option is to download templates from sites such as Slidesgo.

These are just a few examples, but every year new tools and updates appear that offer as many possibilities as we have imagination. Remember that the props will enhance your presentation, but the content you incorporate, your speech, and your presence will be the most important part.


11Onze is the community fintech of Catalonia. Open an account by downloading the super app El Canut for Android or iOS and join the revolution!

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